Time, Time, and Time again
30th January 2015
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Time, Time, and Time again.
I have just read an article in New Scientist and it discusses Time!
Unfortunately scientists are still confusing themselves with this dilemma that they have created.
Physicists generally think that Time does not exist (does not need to exist), and if you look at past present and future, outside of time, then it is like a block, and you experience time as just a non moving slice in this block in a sequence (of events).
I have to say they are still mentally retarded, because they are confusing what Time is all about.
Their block view of time is similar to the description I gave of Time as a cine film (where you can view Time as frames in this cine film).
This is a totally incorrect view of Time, as it treats the past, the present and the future as being equal events in this block (cine film).
They are not equal events. (Explained in another Tea Break Book), but basically the present is 'Real' and the past and the future are not (they are perceived).
They also get confused with the past as only having one past (already happened) and the many options future that can not be determined (and has not happened yet).
The past is not just one past, it is many pasts, and the future although not determinable by us is similar in concept as the past (many options).
The above statement may sound confusing to some, but it is the same in concept as the definitive solution to "What came first the chicken or the egg?" that I solved back in 1998. (Another Tea Break Book).
Think of the life of each chicken as the life cycle of the Universe in ³Time [³Time is Tertiary or Global time, explained in another Tea Break Book], each egg is the beginning of each Universe cycle (Big Bang if you like).
You should plainly see if you look at a sufficient length of ³Time that there are many pasts (chickens) as I have stated, as well as many futures for each Universe cycle.
The confusion only occurs in the minds of humans (the physicists) because they only perceive and exist in one cycle of the Universe (one chicken's life cycle).
In short there is only one 'Existance' the present, that changes with ³Time in a series of parallel Universes, one after the other. (Another Tea Break Book).
['Existance' has a different definition to Existence (which is transitory), explained in another Tea Break Book].
They also confuse as to why Time only moves forward and not backwards.
Again they do not understand Time and it's relationship to space (not space time).
Time does go backwards as well as forwards, also sideways and 'in and out' as well. (Another Tea Break Book).
These movements in ²Time are at the subatomic (or quantum) level [²Time is Secondary time], and it is only the sum of the ²Time dimensions that create ³Time at our level that we perceive. (Another Tea Break Book).
So in short we perceive ³Time as just a change of ³Space (sum of all the ²Spaces that constitutes our ³Space also called Tertiary space or Global space). It doesn't matter how the shape changes at our level, it is always perceived as going forwards, a change is a change (even though it is moving in all the other time dimensions at the subatomic level). (Yes other time dimensions, another Tea Break Book).
For you to perceive ³Time going backwards, all (each ²Time of each ²Space that you perceive) must reverse simultaneously (not probable). But when you realise the dynamic nature of 'APE's (I will call it Dark Energy here), then you will realise it is not possible. (Another Tea Break Book).
['APE's are the fundamental dynamic quantum entities [of 'Real' space] that create our Universe].
I say get 'Real', be in the present, and eliminate paradoxes from your mind.
1st February 2015
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Some people may still not see the difference between the present being different to the past and the future. I believe these will be the same people that can not resolve the solution to : -
"What would happen if an unstoppable force met an immovable object?" (Solution in my book 1998).
They see the whole cine film (or block) outside of time as if each frame (or event) being equal. If you think of it as a film or block as a real film (or block), then you are not seeing it in the correct manner.
You do not notice that the present has something different to it. This difference, is the analogy that :-what makes it different ('Real') is the lens that you are using to view the frame. If you are using the lens to see the frame, it is the present, without the lens it is the past or the future (not 'Real'). There is only one lens that makes the present the present, so the past was the present at that moment and the future will be the present at that moment. The act of viewing makes it the present, all other frames are not the present, they are just the record of the present that was and is still to be.
If this is not scientific enough for some physicists (or mathematicians), then they can use the incorrect analogy of superposition (where something can be in two states or positions at the same time until you observe it, and everything is possible). For them the difference of the present will be the act of observation where the superposition collapses and becomes real.
As a side note they could resolve the riddle of : - "What would happen if an unstoppable force met an immovable object?" just by observation only.
The principle of logic is the same for its solution, and I can just tell them every time they observe it, it will be 100% the same answer (not all possibilities, but just one answer that is the same).
For everyone else, they believe in all possibilities at the same time, so that they can not see what is true and what is false until they observe it, they believe both are true until they observe the truth and disbelieve the falsehood.
This is fine if you can not work out the truth with your logic, but when you can, then you must accept the falsehood of your assumptions, which then makes all possibilities based on a falsehood.
If you want to know what the falsehood of superposition is, it is not that something can be at two positions at the same time (because it can be at many positions at the same time, another Tea Break Book), it is : - it can not be in two states at the same time. The solution is knowing the state, and not believing it exists in two incorrect states. (Another Tea Break Book).
9th January 2019
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Having read the last few paragraphs above, it appears confusing.
What I am saying is similar to Schrodinger's cat, I.E. They believe it can be both alive and dead at the same time until they observe it.
The truth is that it is never alive and dead at the same time. It is always either dead or alive, but never both. They are just ignorant of the fact until they observe it.
Morph your mind with Morphological at
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Time, Time, and Time again.
I have just read an article in New Scientist and it discusses Time!
Unfortunately scientists are still confusing themselves with this dilemma that they have created.
Physicists generally think that Time does not exist (does not need to exist), and if you look at past present and future, outside of time, then it is like a block, and you experience time as just a non moving slice in this block in a sequence (of events).
I have to say they are still mentally retarded, because they are confusing what Time is all about.
Their block view of time is similar to the description I gave of Time as a cine film (where you can view Time as frames in this cine film).
This is a totally incorrect view of Time, as it treats the past, the present and the future as being equal events in this block (cine film).
They are not equal events. (Explained in another Tea Break Book), but basically the present is 'Real' and the past and the future are not (they are perceived).
They also get confused with the past as only having one past (already happened) and the many options future that can not be determined (and has not happened yet).
The past is not just one past, it is many pasts, and the future although not determinable by us is similar in concept as the past (many options).
The above statement may sound confusing to some, but it is the same in concept as the definitive solution to "What came first the chicken or the egg?" that I solved back in 1998. (Another Tea Break Book).
Think of the life of each chicken as the life cycle of the Universe in ³Time [³Time is Tertiary or Global time, explained in another Tea Break Book], each egg is the beginning of each Universe cycle (Big Bang if you like).
You should plainly see if you look at a sufficient length of ³Time that there are many pasts (chickens) as I have stated, as well as many futures for each Universe cycle.
The confusion only occurs in the minds of humans (the physicists) because they only perceive and exist in one cycle of the Universe (one chicken's life cycle).
In short there is only one 'Existance' the present, that changes with ³Time in a series of parallel Universes, one after the other. (Another Tea Break Book).
['Existance' has a different definition to Existence (which is transitory), explained in another Tea Break Book].
They also confuse as to why Time only moves forward and not backwards.
Again they do not understand Time and it's relationship to space (not space time).
Time does go backwards as well as forwards, also sideways and 'in and out' as well. (Another Tea Break Book).
These movements in ²Time are at the subatomic (or quantum) level [²Time is Secondary time], and it is only the sum of the ²Time dimensions that create ³Time at our level that we perceive. (Another Tea Break Book).
So in short we perceive ³Time as just a change of ³Space (sum of all the ²Spaces that constitutes our ³Space also called Tertiary space or Global space). It doesn't matter how the shape changes at our level, it is always perceived as going forwards, a change is a change (even though it is moving in all the other time dimensions at the subatomic level). (Yes other time dimensions, another Tea Break Book).
For you to perceive ³Time going backwards, all (each ²Time of each ²Space that you perceive) must reverse simultaneously (not probable). But when you realise the dynamic nature of 'APE's (I will call it Dark Energy here), then you will realise it is not possible. (Another Tea Break Book).
['APE's are the fundamental dynamic quantum entities [of 'Real' space] that create our Universe].
I say get 'Real', be in the present, and eliminate paradoxes from your mind.
1st February 2015
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Some people may still not see the difference between the present being different to the past and the future. I believe these will be the same people that can not resolve the solution to : -
"What would happen if an unstoppable force met an immovable object?" (Solution in my book 1998).
They see the whole cine film (or block) outside of time as if each frame (or event) being equal. If you think of it as a film or block as a real film (or block), then you are not seeing it in the correct manner.
You do not notice that the present has something different to it. This difference, is the analogy that :-what makes it different ('Real') is the lens that you are using to view the frame. If you are using the lens to see the frame, it is the present, without the lens it is the past or the future (not 'Real'). There is only one lens that makes the present the present, so the past was the present at that moment and the future will be the present at that moment. The act of viewing makes it the present, all other frames are not the present, they are just the record of the present that was and is still to be.
If this is not scientific enough for some physicists (or mathematicians), then they can use the incorrect analogy of superposition (where something can be in two states or positions at the same time until you observe it, and everything is possible). For them the difference of the present will be the act of observation where the superposition collapses and becomes real.
As a side note they could resolve the riddle of : - "What would happen if an unstoppable force met an immovable object?" just by observation only.
The principle of logic is the same for its solution, and I can just tell them every time they observe it, it will be 100% the same answer (not all possibilities, but just one answer that is the same).
For everyone else, they believe in all possibilities at the same time, so that they can not see what is true and what is false until they observe it, they believe both are true until they observe the truth and disbelieve the falsehood.
This is fine if you can not work out the truth with your logic, but when you can, then you must accept the falsehood of your assumptions, which then makes all possibilities based on a falsehood.
If you want to know what the falsehood of superposition is, it is not that something can be at two positions at the same time (because it can be at many positions at the same time, another Tea Break Book), it is : - it can not be in two states at the same time. The solution is knowing the state, and not believing it exists in two incorrect states. (Another Tea Break Book).
9th January 2019
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Having read the last few paragraphs above, it appears confusing.
What I am saying is similar to Schrodinger's cat, I.E. They believe it can be both alive and dead at the same time until they observe it.
The truth is that it is never alive and dead at the same time. It is always either dead or alive, but never both. They are just ignorant of the fact until they observe it.
Morph your mind with Morphological at