super symmetry
16th October 2013
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Watched 2 videos on the Internet today from fermi lab Dr Don Lincoln about super symmetry (very succinct) and I can now conclude my model is a super symmetry model and also one on the Higgs field and Higgs boson (again succinct) I can also conclude my model is explaining the Higgs field and it's mechanism. I may also be explaining part of the Higgs boson it's structure and mechanism using my 'Apes'.
It is a shame that they where not around so I could see them when I formulated my ideas back in 1998. What I do not follow is the need for supersymmetric partners for all the standard particles and bosons. In my model all the standard particles and bosons are all constructs of the 'Apes'. Only the 'Apes' are required but they could easily construct all the missing bosons if required to do so.
In my model the matter particles have their force equivalents already incorporated within them so there is no need to look for their partners. The leptons and the bosons similarly have their mass incorporated, it is just so small in comparison to the matter particles that we think it is zero, it is all down to construction scale and density in the 7 dimensional sense. (7 is the minimum if you incorporate all the time dimensions together as one).
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Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Watched 2 videos on the Internet today from fermi lab Dr Don Lincoln about super symmetry (very succinct) and I can now conclude my model is a super symmetry model and also one on the Higgs field and Higgs boson (again succinct) I can also conclude my model is explaining the Higgs field and it's mechanism. I may also be explaining part of the Higgs boson it's structure and mechanism using my 'Apes'.
It is a shame that they where not around so I could see them when I formulated my ideas back in 1998. What I do not follow is the need for supersymmetric partners for all the standard particles and bosons. In my model all the standard particles and bosons are all constructs of the 'Apes'. Only the 'Apes' are required but they could easily construct all the missing bosons if required to do so.
In my model the matter particles have their force equivalents already incorporated within them so there is no need to look for their partners. The leptons and the bosons similarly have their mass incorporated, it is just so small in comparison to the matter particles that we think it is zero, it is all down to construction scale and density in the 7 dimensional sense. (7 is the minimum if you incorporate all the time dimensions together as one).
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