Sequence of events is very important
26th October 2014
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Sequence of events is very important.
The sequence of events is very important, imperative if you want to understand and create the whole Universe and everything in it, past present and future.
This is to expand on what I have said in my previous Tea Break Books, when I say the concepts always come first. They always come first whether you like it or not, but they are normally in your subconscious, and that does not have to tally with your conscious thoughts.
When I say you must always understand the concepts first, I mean the conscious part of your mind must understand first the concepts then solve the problem.
If you do not understand and follow the concepts first, then you will not fully understand the significance of the problem and the correct solution.
When I say correct solution, I mean the real understanding of the solution, and not the solution itself. [I will explain further by examples].
If I were to ask someone to fill a bucket of water and bring it to me.
What would be the correct solution to this problem?
It is at this point that I say you must understand the concepts of everything I have said, to solve the question or problem correctly.
Now most people would say there is no one correct solution to this problem, as long as you end up with a bucket of water.
This is where I emphasise the sequence of events is important to fully understand the solution.
I will come back to the bucket in a minute.
Does the sequence really mater?
The answer is yes and no, and this as always depends on what you want the outcome to be.
Eg. If I say "go and brush your teeth".
The sequence may be: -
You get your tooth brush
You wet it
You put toothpaste on it
You put it in your mouth
You brush your teeth
You take out the toothbrush
You rinse your mouth with water
(Maybe you use a mouthwash, floss etc as well)
What if you mixed the above sequence up? Eg. You brushed your teeth first and put the toothpaste on your brush last?
Would you have not brushed your teeth?
All the answers will depend on 'your understanding' of the original statement. Your answer maybe correct or it maybe wrong.
To you, it will be correct, but 'your correct', and not necessarily the true correct.
It all depends on your original understanding of the statement.
The statement means different things to different people.
The true answer is what did I mean by my statement, and not your interpretation of my statement. I may of course not have used the correct wording for you to understand what I meant by my statement (which in this case was deliberate, so that there were many meanings and interpretations). But in any event you cannot be certain that you have achieved what I wanted.
The correct answer will be to whom I was talking to, and my understanding their understanding of my intentions. Eg. If I was talking to a child I would expect them to follow my original sequence of events, if they did not, I would say to them that they had not brushed their teeth correctly.
If on the other hand I was talking to an old aged pensioner, I may expect them not to even put the brush in their mouth, and they would still brush their teeth correctly. (False teeth don't have to be brushed in your mouth).
Let us now go back to the bucket of water.
The end result (what you would normally consider the solution) is that I end up with a bucket full of water.
So any sequence of events would seem correct and give the apparent correct answer (solution).
Eg. I first eat my sandwich, then I go to the next door neighbour and borrow his bucket, then I take the bus to the end of the street, I hobble down to the stream, dip the bucket in the stream, then climb up the bank of the stream, get the bus back, and finally hand over the bucket full of water.
Now you may seem to think that all the above is unnecessary to fill a bucket full of water, but to someone at some time that is exactly what they have to do, and this would be the correct answer to the original request. Any other answer would be incorrect and any other sequence would also be incorrect.
What has the above got to do with building a Universe and everything in it?
Everything, because unless you first understand the problem correctly, you cannot give the correct answer.
Eg. If you thought the answer was go to the tap, place your bucket underneath, turn the tap on, fill the bucket, turn the tap off, bring me the bucket. Then you would be incorrect because you did not have all the information to start with to solve the problem. As far as you are concerned you solved the problem and have a bucket of water. So if you think the Universe is as you think it is then you will find a solution that fits your criteria, but if the Universe is not really like that then your understanding is completely wrong!
If I gave you more information about the person at the time, that was going to get me the bucket of water then you would fully understand the correct answer.
Eg. They are diabetic and haven't eaten yet, they are also partly an invalid so can't walk far, they don't own their own bucket, the water supply has been cut off for maintenance. I could give you further information, but I think you will understand what I mean without it.
If they followed your instructions and turned the tap on, no water would come out (cut off for maintenance) I would not end up with a bucket of water.
They even had to eat the sandwich first (even though it seems at first nothing to do with a bucket of water) because they would not be able to finish the task before going into a diabetic coma, (their glucose level was already too low before they started).
In other words the sequence of events is always important if you want to understand something fully. This does not mean that everything must follow a sequence to get the correct result.
I am also not contradicting myself here. [I will explain].
If you fully understand something you will understand that some things can be put in a different sequence and the end result will be the same, but you will know what can and what can't be changed.
Eg. If you do something simple, then the sequence may not mater and the end result is the same.
You put your cereal in your bowl then you pour in your milk, then eat it.
Or pour your milk in your bowl first then put in your cereal, then eat it.
The result does not change.
But if you were doing something more complex, like baking a complex cake, then the sequence is important. You can't just chuck all the ingredients into a bowl and mix, then put into the oven and bake it. It will not work properly, certain ingredients have to be mixed first, then followed by others, then others, then baked to make the perfect cake.
If you change the sequence, again the cake will not come out correctly, you may still get a cake, but it will not be quite right.
The solution to the Universe is the same concept as the cake, the ingredients 'seem' the same, but the sequence is wrong! You end up with an unlikely Universe.
If you understand the concepts first, you get a better Universe and it is not unlikely, but it is inevitable. [Explained further in another Tea Break Book].
By the way you also have to add a couple of missing ingredients that you were not aware were there. Complexity begets (more) complexity (another Tea Break Book).
28th March 2020
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Concept. Everything is an Emergent property above the basic structure of the dynamic quantum of space I.e. the 'APE's themselves.
What do I actually mean by the above statement?.
And what do I actually mean by everything?
What does Emergent mean?
I will answer the above with what I mean by everything :- when I say everything I mean everything that you think is 'real' and somethings you may not be aware are 'real'.
The list includes space itself I.e. All the dimensions of space (as we generally know them), Time and all the dimensions of time, matter in all of its forms, energy and all of its forms, which obviously includes all the forces, all charges (positive negative neutral) and all the fields, and also includes the properties of the quantum world, you can even add consciousness, intelligence, feelings and emotions.
What I mean by Emergent is that something or a property is created from something else that already exists (or existed ) and what emerges did not exist before.
To understand this a little easier imagine a car, the car exists because it (emerges) or is created, I.e. made from its parts. Now technically it did not just emerge by itself, that is why we say it is made.
Cars did not exist prior to them being created or made.
The parts of the car, also (emerge) are created or made by their parts.
Now if we go down the scales to the level of compounds, they also (emerge) from their constituents, some may be man made but some are just created from their environment or circumstances.
Go lower still to molecules, same as above, from atoms and their circumstances.
Go down to atoms and below, more and more the property of emergence takes over, with less and less influence from man creating or making it. Atoms emerge from the sub atomic particles and energy of stars and gravity.
Gravity and the other forces emerge from the flow of the ''''''' in the space and time we think they are in (let's call them fields for the moment). Space and Time as we know it emerges from the dynamic quanta (the 'APE's) further down. So what we think is the vacuum of space is actually full of complex volumes of space (dynamic 'APE's) that have many more dimensions or properties than just 3 space and 1 time.
This I believe is why we think things appear (are created) and disappear (are annihilated) in our universe, because we are not looking at the correct structure of space and time.
So eg. Imagine for now that time only had 4 dimensions, and that a particle could jump from one space and one time dimension to the other in a loop back to the original position. This means it exists in 4 different positions in space in 4 different times. (Assume 25% in each position, 1/4).
What would we observe?
We believe there is only one time, (I.e. We lump all the time dimensions together, and observe only one). So a particle can appear that it exists in 4 positions in space at the same time, until we observe it, I.e. We interfer with it, and it appears miraculously in one of those positions! (Not all 4 positions, just one). In our ignorance we say it does exist at multiple positions at the same time and when we observe it the wave function collapses (that is what a quantum physicist might say).
[But it really only existed in one position at any one moment in 4 dimensional time.]
I say at the quantum level and below, the quantum does exist at multiple points at the same time, not just because of time, but because the structure of 'real' space is a complex volume, and can not be reduced to points.
You need to read some of my other tea break books on 'The Structure of Space', 'Why Everything Is A Complex Volume', Volumes, volumes and volumes', etc.
Morph your mind with Morphological at
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Sequence of events is very important.
The sequence of events is very important, imperative if you want to understand and create the whole Universe and everything in it, past present and future.
This is to expand on what I have said in my previous Tea Break Books, when I say the concepts always come first. They always come first whether you like it or not, but they are normally in your subconscious, and that does not have to tally with your conscious thoughts.
When I say you must always understand the concepts first, I mean the conscious part of your mind must understand first the concepts then solve the problem.
If you do not understand and follow the concepts first, then you will not fully understand the significance of the problem and the correct solution.
When I say correct solution, I mean the real understanding of the solution, and not the solution itself. [I will explain further by examples].
If I were to ask someone to fill a bucket of water and bring it to me.
What would be the correct solution to this problem?
It is at this point that I say you must understand the concepts of everything I have said, to solve the question or problem correctly.
Now most people would say there is no one correct solution to this problem, as long as you end up with a bucket of water.
This is where I emphasise the sequence of events is important to fully understand the solution.
I will come back to the bucket in a minute.
Does the sequence really mater?
The answer is yes and no, and this as always depends on what you want the outcome to be.
Eg. If I say "go and brush your teeth".
The sequence may be: -
You get your tooth brush
You wet it
You put toothpaste on it
You put it in your mouth
You brush your teeth
You take out the toothbrush
You rinse your mouth with water
(Maybe you use a mouthwash, floss etc as well)
What if you mixed the above sequence up? Eg. You brushed your teeth first and put the toothpaste on your brush last?
Would you have not brushed your teeth?
All the answers will depend on 'your understanding' of the original statement. Your answer maybe correct or it maybe wrong.
To you, it will be correct, but 'your correct', and not necessarily the true correct.
It all depends on your original understanding of the statement.
The statement means different things to different people.
The true answer is what did I mean by my statement, and not your interpretation of my statement. I may of course not have used the correct wording for you to understand what I meant by my statement (which in this case was deliberate, so that there were many meanings and interpretations). But in any event you cannot be certain that you have achieved what I wanted.
The correct answer will be to whom I was talking to, and my understanding their understanding of my intentions. Eg. If I was talking to a child I would expect them to follow my original sequence of events, if they did not, I would say to them that they had not brushed their teeth correctly.
If on the other hand I was talking to an old aged pensioner, I may expect them not to even put the brush in their mouth, and they would still brush their teeth correctly. (False teeth don't have to be brushed in your mouth).
Let us now go back to the bucket of water.
The end result (what you would normally consider the solution) is that I end up with a bucket full of water.
So any sequence of events would seem correct and give the apparent correct answer (solution).
Eg. I first eat my sandwich, then I go to the next door neighbour and borrow his bucket, then I take the bus to the end of the street, I hobble down to the stream, dip the bucket in the stream, then climb up the bank of the stream, get the bus back, and finally hand over the bucket full of water.
Now you may seem to think that all the above is unnecessary to fill a bucket full of water, but to someone at some time that is exactly what they have to do, and this would be the correct answer to the original request. Any other answer would be incorrect and any other sequence would also be incorrect.
What has the above got to do with building a Universe and everything in it?
Everything, because unless you first understand the problem correctly, you cannot give the correct answer.
Eg. If you thought the answer was go to the tap, place your bucket underneath, turn the tap on, fill the bucket, turn the tap off, bring me the bucket. Then you would be incorrect because you did not have all the information to start with to solve the problem. As far as you are concerned you solved the problem and have a bucket of water. So if you think the Universe is as you think it is then you will find a solution that fits your criteria, but if the Universe is not really like that then your understanding is completely wrong!
If I gave you more information about the person at the time, that was going to get me the bucket of water then you would fully understand the correct answer.
Eg. They are diabetic and haven't eaten yet, they are also partly an invalid so can't walk far, they don't own their own bucket, the water supply has been cut off for maintenance. I could give you further information, but I think you will understand what I mean without it.
If they followed your instructions and turned the tap on, no water would come out (cut off for maintenance) I would not end up with a bucket of water.
They even had to eat the sandwich first (even though it seems at first nothing to do with a bucket of water) because they would not be able to finish the task before going into a diabetic coma, (their glucose level was already too low before they started).
In other words the sequence of events is always important if you want to understand something fully. This does not mean that everything must follow a sequence to get the correct result.
I am also not contradicting myself here. [I will explain].
If you fully understand something you will understand that some things can be put in a different sequence and the end result will be the same, but you will know what can and what can't be changed.
Eg. If you do something simple, then the sequence may not mater and the end result is the same.
You put your cereal in your bowl then you pour in your milk, then eat it.
Or pour your milk in your bowl first then put in your cereal, then eat it.
The result does not change.
But if you were doing something more complex, like baking a complex cake, then the sequence is important. You can't just chuck all the ingredients into a bowl and mix, then put into the oven and bake it. It will not work properly, certain ingredients have to be mixed first, then followed by others, then others, then baked to make the perfect cake.
If you change the sequence, again the cake will not come out correctly, you may still get a cake, but it will not be quite right.
The solution to the Universe is the same concept as the cake, the ingredients 'seem' the same, but the sequence is wrong! You end up with an unlikely Universe.
If you understand the concepts first, you get a better Universe and it is not unlikely, but it is inevitable. [Explained further in another Tea Break Book].
By the way you also have to add a couple of missing ingredients that you were not aware were there. Complexity begets (more) complexity (another Tea Break Book).
28th March 2020
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Concept. Everything is an Emergent property above the basic structure of the dynamic quantum of space I.e. the 'APE's themselves.
What do I actually mean by the above statement?.
And what do I actually mean by everything?
What does Emergent mean?
I will answer the above with what I mean by everything :- when I say everything I mean everything that you think is 'real' and somethings you may not be aware are 'real'.
The list includes space itself I.e. All the dimensions of space (as we generally know them), Time and all the dimensions of time, matter in all of its forms, energy and all of its forms, which obviously includes all the forces, all charges (positive negative neutral) and all the fields, and also includes the properties of the quantum world, you can even add consciousness, intelligence, feelings and emotions.
What I mean by Emergent is that something or a property is created from something else that already exists (or existed ) and what emerges did not exist before.
To understand this a little easier imagine a car, the car exists because it (emerges) or is created, I.e. made from its parts. Now technically it did not just emerge by itself, that is why we say it is made.
Cars did not exist prior to them being created or made.
The parts of the car, also (emerge) are created or made by their parts.
Now if we go down the scales to the level of compounds, they also (emerge) from their constituents, some may be man made but some are just created from their environment or circumstances.
Go lower still to molecules, same as above, from atoms and their circumstances.
Go down to atoms and below, more and more the property of emergence takes over, with less and less influence from man creating or making it. Atoms emerge from the sub atomic particles and energy of stars and gravity.
Gravity and the other forces emerge from the flow of the ''''''' in the space and time we think they are in (let's call them fields for the moment). Space and Time as we know it emerges from the dynamic quanta (the 'APE's) further down. So what we think is the vacuum of space is actually full of complex volumes of space (dynamic 'APE's) that have many more dimensions or properties than just 3 space and 1 time.
This I believe is why we think things appear (are created) and disappear (are annihilated) in our universe, because we are not looking at the correct structure of space and time.
So eg. Imagine for now that time only had 4 dimensions, and that a particle could jump from one space and one time dimension to the other in a loop back to the original position. This means it exists in 4 different positions in space in 4 different times. (Assume 25% in each position, 1/4).
What would we observe?
We believe there is only one time, (I.e. We lump all the time dimensions together, and observe only one). So a particle can appear that it exists in 4 positions in space at the same time, until we observe it, I.e. We interfer with it, and it appears miraculously in one of those positions! (Not all 4 positions, just one). In our ignorance we say it does exist at multiple positions at the same time and when we observe it the wave function collapses (that is what a quantum physicist might say).
[But it really only existed in one position at any one moment in 4 dimensional time.]
I say at the quantum level and below, the quantum does exist at multiple points at the same time, not just because of time, but because the structure of 'real' space is a complex volume, and can not be reduced to points.
You need to read some of my other tea break books on 'The Structure of Space', 'Why Everything Is A Complex Volume', Volumes, volumes and volumes', etc.
Morph your mind with Morphological at