Quantum versus Relativity
2018 May 19th Quantum versus Relativity.
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
I am now officially an old age pensioner, & I believe it is time to debate the above.
If 2 concepts try & describe the same phenomena, but they oppose each other, then using my 'simplified complex logic', either one is correct & the other is false or they are both incorrect.
The 3rd option that they are both correct is just a naive notion of not knowing the truth & falsely limiting the concept to where it gives reasonable results.
In short General Relativity works well on the large scale and Quantum Mechanics works well on the small scale. The true answer is a theory that will work at all scales. In short all physical laws appear to break down at some scale or another, the reason being is that the scale is ignored within the law.
The true laws of physics must include the scales. In addition both Quantum Mechanics & General Relativity use the concept of particles in one way or another, but the real universe has no true solid particles at any scale. To clarify what I mean by solid, is the concept of something that has no spaces within it. There is no known substance object or particle that has uniform density at all scales. All substances, objects or particles have spaces within them so nothing is truly solid. You can prove this by just looking at the atomic scale, full of spaces, even one atom has lots of space in it. So talking about particles as solid objects is just a naive way of understanding things, by ignoring the details & just averaging things out as if solid particles actually existed. General Relativity works at the large scales simply because you can average things out & pretend that matter is solid & causes the space around it to curve, or naively the space around it determines the way matter moves. The mechanism or Gravity is not explained. Similarly Quantum Mechanics pretends that particles are at more than one place at a time & follow a wave function that collapses on observation. The concept of waves as true waves without a medium also doesn't exist in our universe. You can mathematically explain waves without the need for a medium, but this is also flawed, eg. You can explain water waves without knowing anything about the water, but it does not follow that waves can exist without it. Quantum Mechanics also works at the small scales, but as true solid particles do not exist, nor do pure waves, then the explanation is flawed. It also can't explain the 'Mechanism of Gravity'.
So what is the answer?
Simple, the universe is not made of true particles nor is it made of true waves, also putting 2 incorrect concepts together does not make it correct either.
All you can say is that sometimes & at some scales certain things act "like" particles or at other times "like" waves dependent on the experiment or the scale.
The other answer is to invent a new concept of 'Real' space that can act in the above manner and explain both & also a 'Mechanism for Gravity' at all scales, in addition all the other forces as well.
Why do I say 'Real' space?
Because all the universe and everything in it is composed of volumes of space in one form or another, complex spaces if you prefer. I do not mean the concept of 'null' space which is the abstract notion that nothing exists in that space. I mean all 'Real' spaces are volumes of space that all real things exist in. By 'things' I mean anything (any entity) that can be measured, conventional solid, liquid, gas, plasma, sub atomic particles, apparent vacuums, even light etc. If you prefer stone, water, air, fire etc.
I mentioned apparent vacuums, because a vacuum means a space that has no particles in it, but that space is not empty 'null', it is a 'Real' space that contains other entities within it. It becomes obvious when you realise that things don't naively appear from nothing (null space) & disappear into nothing (null space) again. Eg. Electrons & positrons annihilating each other. This is simply a reorganisation of their spaces & energy.
How can we measure 'Real' spaces?
Simple, measure their volumes & properties.
Another answer is to find the smallest 'Real' space that can be measured or conceived, & it's properties, such that all other spaces are made up of these. I.e the whole universe.
We already have clues that energy comes as quanta, so it makes sense that 'Real' space is quantised.
Another clue, densities of 'Real' spaces vary, so the quantised spaces must be able to be added together to create new complex spaces with varying densities. If you are following the concepts then matter is simply a very dense bit of 'Real' space.
Before I go any further I must clarify that there is no such thing as something that is truly stationary. Stationary is only a relative notion to an observer at the large scale. Everything is in motion relative to something else. Eg. Think of the atomic scale & temperature, all the atoms are vibrating about, you can't stop them completely however low the temperature, absolute zero is never reached.
(When you realise this you can easy solve the riddle "What will happen if an immovable object meets an unstoppable force", full explanation elsewhere in my Tea Break Books).
What makes everything move?
Conventionally it is energy, but if you are still following what I was saying, you will realise that the 'Real' spaces at the quantum level is what is creating this movement. I.e. The quanta are dynamic, which is another way of saying that the medium of space is in constant motion, this is also why you do not detect a drag in the conventional aether. Matter does not drag the aether, the aether moves with & within the matter. Details later (explanation of the 'Mechanism of Gravity', another Tea Break Book).
So if quantum 'Real' spaces move, how do they move?
The question I should ask first is how can one space join with another space & increase its density of the 2 spaces together?
Simple, they must have a 'null' space inside of them, so that one can embed or nest inside the other.
In short they must have a hole in them.
But if they are all the same, I.e. Have the same properties, eg. Have the same overall volume (size), how can one get inside the other?
Again simple, they can change their shape keeping their overall volume the same.
21st May 2018
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
The simplest shape that can do this is the toroid or ring, but to achieve the required property above, it must be able to expand & contract. This can be achieved by making the ring extremely large relative to its core & adding curvature and making it rotate, spin & twist at the same time, keeping all the surface moving at a constant speed. In doing the above one creates an enclosed virtual volume over time.
This enclosed volume (space) can be occupied by many quanta of space, such that the density of space increases.
There are 2 types of embedding, one that keeps the quanta free to move in & out of each other, & the second type is where the quanta of space knot themselves such that they can not move freely, but must move in unison. The first type is energy like & the second is matter like.
Energy like density tries to escape & expand space, while matter type density tries to contract space.
27th August 2018
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
The best way to imagine this is visually seeing a model of a slinky joined at each end, you can see the whole thing expand and contract about a centre of mass.
Although I have explained this elsewhere, I will explain how you can visualise living in a 10 dimensional real world. Firstly you must slightly refine what a dimension is, so imagine that the normal 4 dimensions are not dimensions 1,2,3 and 4, but dimensions 7,8,9 and 10.
So now normal length is dimension 7 etc.
You must also remember that when you are normally measuring a dimension you are ignoring the other dimensions. If you are measuring the normal 2 dimensions of space at the same time, you are measuring an area. If you are measuring 3 dimensions at the same time you are measuring a volume, but note that it also includes an area which is 2 dimensional, but the 2 dimensional measurement did not include a volume.
In other words any measurement of the higher dimensions together, includes the lower dimensions, but not the other way around, eg. Measuring the first dimension can not include the second or higher dimensions, but the second dimension can include the first.
The dimensions combine to form a complex of dimensions.
Now if we construct a series of finite Universes, which implies there are no infinities inside each universe, IE. You can not sub divide a space infinitum, because it is quantised, which means the quanta are finite at the subatomic level, and that the whole is also finite.
Before we start our series of Universes you need to know that there is no such thing as a Stationary object at the quantum level. So all our universes are not going to be static but they are going to be dynamic IE. In constant motion.
Now let's start with a conventional 1D world line and put a curve in it and join the 2 opposite infinities together, create a 1D Being in this world which moves in 1D time, if this world is finite, anything outside this world is in a higher dimension. I.e. Outside this 1D circle is in the 2D plane.
It does not mater if you are in a 3,4,5,6,7 D etc world, the 1D world looks the same from the higher dimension. Also remember that as far as the being is concerned its world appears to be stationary and it moves along the 1D line but from a 2D perspective its world is rotating. (Remember constant motion). [Also see my Tea Break Book 'Bending Dimensions to eliminate infinities'].
29th August 2018
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
You can create a finite 2D world by putting 2 curves in it and join the opposite infinities together, a Being in this world would be 2D and they would need a 2D time to move. This 2D world is a houla hoop surface, not a spherical surface. Again as far as this being is concerned its world is not moving, but it is rotating in both dimensions from a 3D perspective.
You can create a 3D finite world by adding thickness to the surface of the hoop and a 3D Being, this time with a 3D time. Now the 3D object if rotated in all 3 dimensions and adding 3 curves, creates a 4D virtual space that has a hole in the middle. The 3D space is solid but the 4D space is part solid at any one moment in time. [You need to define time more precisely, another Tea Break Book].
Creating a 5D universe is adding another curve and making the space increase and decrease its virtual space. This 5D is the density of space itself, it increases its density when it contracts and decreases its density when it expands.
At this stage you can think of these spaces as quantum spaces that makes our space, but now the spaces are such that they can pass through each other like energy, increasing and decreasing the local space.
When 3 of these quantum spaces interact in such a way that they knot, they create a smaller denser space that does not expand as much. This is the beginning of the creation of matter. Energy spaces pass through each other and through matter, but matter space can not pass through other matter spaces. [Bosons and Fermions if you prefer].
This is the universe we live in, they move in the dimensions of 7,8,9, and 10. 10 being our time, which is the net effect of all the lower times bundled together.
As you can see energy, matter, time and space is just one space broken down into smaller spaces. [See my Tea Break Book 'The Structure of Space'].
Morph your mind with Morphological at
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
I am now officially an old age pensioner, & I believe it is time to debate the above.
If 2 concepts try & describe the same phenomena, but they oppose each other, then using my 'simplified complex logic', either one is correct & the other is false or they are both incorrect.
The 3rd option that they are both correct is just a naive notion of not knowing the truth & falsely limiting the concept to where it gives reasonable results.
In short General Relativity works well on the large scale and Quantum Mechanics works well on the small scale. The true answer is a theory that will work at all scales. In short all physical laws appear to break down at some scale or another, the reason being is that the scale is ignored within the law.
The true laws of physics must include the scales. In addition both Quantum Mechanics & General Relativity use the concept of particles in one way or another, but the real universe has no true solid particles at any scale. To clarify what I mean by solid, is the concept of something that has no spaces within it. There is no known substance object or particle that has uniform density at all scales. All substances, objects or particles have spaces within them so nothing is truly solid. You can prove this by just looking at the atomic scale, full of spaces, even one atom has lots of space in it. So talking about particles as solid objects is just a naive way of understanding things, by ignoring the details & just averaging things out as if solid particles actually existed. General Relativity works at the large scales simply because you can average things out & pretend that matter is solid & causes the space around it to curve, or naively the space around it determines the way matter moves. The mechanism or Gravity is not explained. Similarly Quantum Mechanics pretends that particles are at more than one place at a time & follow a wave function that collapses on observation. The concept of waves as true waves without a medium also doesn't exist in our universe. You can mathematically explain waves without the need for a medium, but this is also flawed, eg. You can explain water waves without knowing anything about the water, but it does not follow that waves can exist without it. Quantum Mechanics also works at the small scales, but as true solid particles do not exist, nor do pure waves, then the explanation is flawed. It also can't explain the 'Mechanism of Gravity'.
So what is the answer?
Simple, the universe is not made of true particles nor is it made of true waves, also putting 2 incorrect concepts together does not make it correct either.
All you can say is that sometimes & at some scales certain things act "like" particles or at other times "like" waves dependent on the experiment or the scale.
The other answer is to invent a new concept of 'Real' space that can act in the above manner and explain both & also a 'Mechanism for Gravity' at all scales, in addition all the other forces as well.
Why do I say 'Real' space?
Because all the universe and everything in it is composed of volumes of space in one form or another, complex spaces if you prefer. I do not mean the concept of 'null' space which is the abstract notion that nothing exists in that space. I mean all 'Real' spaces are volumes of space that all real things exist in. By 'things' I mean anything (any entity) that can be measured, conventional solid, liquid, gas, plasma, sub atomic particles, apparent vacuums, even light etc. If you prefer stone, water, air, fire etc.
I mentioned apparent vacuums, because a vacuum means a space that has no particles in it, but that space is not empty 'null', it is a 'Real' space that contains other entities within it. It becomes obvious when you realise that things don't naively appear from nothing (null space) & disappear into nothing (null space) again. Eg. Electrons & positrons annihilating each other. This is simply a reorganisation of their spaces & energy.
How can we measure 'Real' spaces?
Simple, measure their volumes & properties.
Another answer is to find the smallest 'Real' space that can be measured or conceived, & it's properties, such that all other spaces are made up of these. I.e the whole universe.
We already have clues that energy comes as quanta, so it makes sense that 'Real' space is quantised.
Another clue, densities of 'Real' spaces vary, so the quantised spaces must be able to be added together to create new complex spaces with varying densities. If you are following the concepts then matter is simply a very dense bit of 'Real' space.
Before I go any further I must clarify that there is no such thing as something that is truly stationary. Stationary is only a relative notion to an observer at the large scale. Everything is in motion relative to something else. Eg. Think of the atomic scale & temperature, all the atoms are vibrating about, you can't stop them completely however low the temperature, absolute zero is never reached.
(When you realise this you can easy solve the riddle "What will happen if an immovable object meets an unstoppable force", full explanation elsewhere in my Tea Break Books).
What makes everything move?
Conventionally it is energy, but if you are still following what I was saying, you will realise that the 'Real' spaces at the quantum level is what is creating this movement. I.e. The quanta are dynamic, which is another way of saying that the medium of space is in constant motion, this is also why you do not detect a drag in the conventional aether. Matter does not drag the aether, the aether moves with & within the matter. Details later (explanation of the 'Mechanism of Gravity', another Tea Break Book).
So if quantum 'Real' spaces move, how do they move?
The question I should ask first is how can one space join with another space & increase its density of the 2 spaces together?
Simple, they must have a 'null' space inside of them, so that one can embed or nest inside the other.
In short they must have a hole in them.
But if they are all the same, I.e. Have the same properties, eg. Have the same overall volume (size), how can one get inside the other?
Again simple, they can change their shape keeping their overall volume the same.
21st May 2018
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
The simplest shape that can do this is the toroid or ring, but to achieve the required property above, it must be able to expand & contract. This can be achieved by making the ring extremely large relative to its core & adding curvature and making it rotate, spin & twist at the same time, keeping all the surface moving at a constant speed. In doing the above one creates an enclosed virtual volume over time.
This enclosed volume (space) can be occupied by many quanta of space, such that the density of space increases.
There are 2 types of embedding, one that keeps the quanta free to move in & out of each other, & the second type is where the quanta of space knot themselves such that they can not move freely, but must move in unison. The first type is energy like & the second is matter like.
Energy like density tries to escape & expand space, while matter type density tries to contract space.
27th August 2018
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
The best way to imagine this is visually seeing a model of a slinky joined at each end, you can see the whole thing expand and contract about a centre of mass.
Although I have explained this elsewhere, I will explain how you can visualise living in a 10 dimensional real world. Firstly you must slightly refine what a dimension is, so imagine that the normal 4 dimensions are not dimensions 1,2,3 and 4, but dimensions 7,8,9 and 10.
So now normal length is dimension 7 etc.
You must also remember that when you are normally measuring a dimension you are ignoring the other dimensions. If you are measuring the normal 2 dimensions of space at the same time, you are measuring an area. If you are measuring 3 dimensions at the same time you are measuring a volume, but note that it also includes an area which is 2 dimensional, but the 2 dimensional measurement did not include a volume.
In other words any measurement of the higher dimensions together, includes the lower dimensions, but not the other way around, eg. Measuring the first dimension can not include the second or higher dimensions, but the second dimension can include the first.
The dimensions combine to form a complex of dimensions.
Now if we construct a series of finite Universes, which implies there are no infinities inside each universe, IE. You can not sub divide a space infinitum, because it is quantised, which means the quanta are finite at the subatomic level, and that the whole is also finite.
Before we start our series of Universes you need to know that there is no such thing as a Stationary object at the quantum level. So all our universes are not going to be static but they are going to be dynamic IE. In constant motion.
Now let's start with a conventional 1D world line and put a curve in it and join the 2 opposite infinities together, create a 1D Being in this world which moves in 1D time, if this world is finite, anything outside this world is in a higher dimension. I.e. Outside this 1D circle is in the 2D plane.
It does not mater if you are in a 3,4,5,6,7 D etc world, the 1D world looks the same from the higher dimension. Also remember that as far as the being is concerned its world appears to be stationary and it moves along the 1D line but from a 2D perspective its world is rotating. (Remember constant motion). [Also see my Tea Break Book 'Bending Dimensions to eliminate infinities'].
29th August 2018
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
You can create a finite 2D world by putting 2 curves in it and join the opposite infinities together, a Being in this world would be 2D and they would need a 2D time to move. This 2D world is a houla hoop surface, not a spherical surface. Again as far as this being is concerned its world is not moving, but it is rotating in both dimensions from a 3D perspective.
You can create a 3D finite world by adding thickness to the surface of the hoop and a 3D Being, this time with a 3D time. Now the 3D object if rotated in all 3 dimensions and adding 3 curves, creates a 4D virtual space that has a hole in the middle. The 3D space is solid but the 4D space is part solid at any one moment in time. [You need to define time more precisely, another Tea Break Book].
Creating a 5D universe is adding another curve and making the space increase and decrease its virtual space. This 5D is the density of space itself, it increases its density when it contracts and decreases its density when it expands.
At this stage you can think of these spaces as quantum spaces that makes our space, but now the spaces are such that they can pass through each other like energy, increasing and decreasing the local space.
When 3 of these quantum spaces interact in such a way that they knot, they create a smaller denser space that does not expand as much. This is the beginning of the creation of matter. Energy spaces pass through each other and through matter, but matter space can not pass through other matter spaces. [Bosons and Fermions if you prefer].
This is the universe we live in, they move in the dimensions of 7,8,9, and 10. 10 being our time, which is the net effect of all the lower times bundled together.
As you can see energy, matter, time and space is just one space broken down into smaller spaces. [See my Tea Break Book 'The Structure of Space'].
Morph your mind with Morphological at