2017 December 14th Imagination
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Imagine that the whole Universe is made of (quantum) extremely small bits of space (volumes of 'Real space') such that they can combine next to each other, or above/below, or infront/behind, or to the left/to the right, or inside/outside of each other such that they make a bigger bit of space.
Also imagine that each bit of space is dynamic (it moves on its own accord). It has its own energy (instinsic) that never leaves it. I say it is intrinsically dynamic.
Imagine also that each bigger bit of space can combine with more little spaces (quanta) in the same fashion or combinations as before to make more complex spaces.
To describe these intrinsically dynamic quanta of 'Real space' I call them 'APE's.
How can this be achieved?
Imagine that it can be achieved because of the (topology) shape of the 'APE's.
Imagine that this shape is a coiled up 'slinky'.
Using its internal energy if stretched it will resemble a 'skinny doughnut', or a 'hoopla hoop' (a toroid topology).
Basically it's shape has a hole in it. This is how one can be inside/outside of each another.
Because they are always in constant motion (never stop moving) they create a (virtual) 'fuzzy' space volume (the space that is occupied by this moving toroid).
The actual volume of the toroidal bit of the 'APE' has a fixed volume. (The actual 'slinky' volume part).
I call this fixed volume the 'Primary volume' of the 'APE'.
The (fuzzy) virtual volume of the 'APE', the volume in which the 'APE' moves about in is different to the Primary volume. This I call the 'Secondary volume'.
The Secondary volume is always larger than the Primary volume.
You can see this if you imagine the 'APE' as a propeller. The propeller has a fixed volume when it is not moving, but when it spins it creates a 'fuzzy' volume in which it moves (the Secondary space).
If you place your finger in this 'fuzzy' space, it will probably get damaged!
Obviously don't do this in 'real' terms, use your imagination only. A propeller has a fixed Secondary (fuzzy) space as it rotates.
The 'APE's are NOT like propellers that have a fixed volume and a static shape that rotates.
The 'APE's have a fixed (Primary volume) but its shape is dynamic, it changes its shape as it rotates, spins and rolls, thus creating a (variable) changing Secondary space.
You can imagine a changing shape that has the same volume if you think of a balloon filled with water, it can be distorted into many shapes, but the overall volume is (constant) the same.
The 'APE's are NOT like this (balloon filled with water) keeping their Secondary volume the same.
The 'APE's are not only changing their shape but they are also changing their Secondary volumes.
You can imagine this if you think of a 'slinky' having tighter coils (it will be more compact) it will spin in a smaller Secondary volume, if it has big coils (less curved space) it will occupy a larger Secondary volume.
This is what the 'APE's would do, they expand and contract their Secondary volumes (in a wave like fashion). You must remember they are NOT waves. (If you like you can think of them like imaginary bubbles expanding and contracting.
If you now imagine that the 'APE's have extremely thin toroidal structures, you should see that hundreds can nest inside each other. Things that nest inside each other are things like Russian dolls, but 'APE's are NOT like Russian dolls that are static (the smaller ones are always inside the larger ones). The 'APE's move about and change sizes (bigger then smaller) therefore alternate which one is inside.
Now I could get you to imagine the details of how the 'APE' does this, but firstly imagine that they can do this, maybe imagine soap bubbles expanding and contracting, it will be easy to imagine that you can have hundreds of bubbles (nested) inside each other, all slightly smaller than the one outside it.
Individually they all occupy a Secondary (volume) space, if you added all these Secondary volumes individually, it would be the sum of the individual volumes, but when they are nested they occupy the same Secondary volume as the largest outside bubble!
The rest of the volumes of the inner bubbles you do not see! unless some of the inner bubbles escape. This compacted Secondary volume I call a Tertiary volume (space). The Tertiary volume always has more space inside of it! (The sum of the Secondary volumes, which is variable, or the sum of the Primary volumes which is fixed!).
This situation I call free 'APE's (they can move freely in and out of each other).
You should be able to see the the more bubbles that are nested inside would produce a greater density of the Tertiary space (volume).
Now imagine that this space was 'energy' (more bubbles inside, the more energy this space would hold). Remember that each 'APE' (bubble) has its own intrinsic energy, therefore more 'APE's more energy. It doesn't matter what energy this is at the moment, but it is best thought of as 'dark energy' that way you will not confuse it with the normal energy that you are used to.
If 'APE's are energy, what is matter?
I said at the beginning imagine all the Universe was 'APE's.
Now what is matter?
It is obviously something different than free 'APE's. The simple answer is that it is still 'APE's, but this time they are not free to move independently. This is simple to imagine as a concept but difficult to imagine the details of the structures. The simplest way to describe it without getting into too much detail is to say they are knotted (combined in such a way that they can not escape each other). This knotted mass of 'APE's still has the individual 'APE's with the holes in them and free 'APE's can still pass through them. This new Tertiary space (volume) can be thought of as matter!
Now you can imagine the same number of 'APE's as 'energy' or as 'matter'.
[E² = (mc²)² + ...] the formula is not important at this stage, the concept is.
When 'APE's are free they tend to expand the space around them (if you like energy expands things).
When 'APE's are knotted they tend to contract the space around them, they clump together (they are not free to escape each other either).
For those that like formulae, they should see from the simple E = mc² there is a lot of E for a little amount of m. Or as I would say a lot of Secondary volumes of space in a little bit of matter. It is not as simple as that, but you should get the point that Matter and Energy can have the same building blocks of 'APE's.
I will not expand on how they do this in detail as I would end up explaining the mechanism of gravity (I leave that to another Tea Break Book).
All you need to know is that there is more Secondary space (volume) in this Tertiary volume of matter.
If you have used your imagination correctly you should be able to imagine that we live in a Tertiary space (volume) Universe. The Universe is a Tertiary volume of space with different volumes of Secondary and Primary volumes within it. More Tertiary space can be created by an expanding Universe by releasing more Secondary space without creating any more Primary space ('APE's).
(To understand this dynamic you just need to know no 'APE's are ever created nor destroyed, when the Universe expands and losses its apparent energy, it is just converted to apparent mass (increased gravity) pulls everything back (Big Crunch if you prefer). Cycle repeats the reverse occurs).
All energy we perceive is created by the manifestation of the interactions and combinations of 'APE's.
All matter we perceive is created by the manifestation of the interactions and combinations of 'APE's.
Obviously the interaction of the two are different, energy energy reacts differently to energy matter and again differently to matter matter interactions.
There are many forms of matter but all atoms are mainly protons neutrons and electrons, antimatter is the same but with a different charge. Charges are just opposites of each other and 'APE's can create both positive and negative charges and opposite magnetic fields (North and South). This is achieved by the 'APE's structure for charges and the 'APE's movements and flow for the magnetic fields.
To understand this I need to explain the detailed movements of the 'APE's and their detailed knotted structure that creates directional twisted space. (This I do in other Tea Break Books).
15th December 2017
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Just one last thing, there are ¹volumes, ²volumes and ³volumes, in other words everything is a complex volume and our Tertiary (normal) ³volume can be smaller in normal ⁰volume but at the same time have more space ²volumes inside of it! See my Tea Break Book "Volumes, volumes and volumes".
When you look at 'Real space' you can NOT sub divide it infinitely (making it smaller) by going beyond a certain point the Space gets bigger not smaller. I talk about the inversion of space in another Tea Break Book.
Morph your mind with Morphological at
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Imagine that the whole Universe is made of (quantum) extremely small bits of space (volumes of 'Real space') such that they can combine next to each other, or above/below, or infront/behind, or to the left/to the right, or inside/outside of each other such that they make a bigger bit of space.
Also imagine that each bit of space is dynamic (it moves on its own accord). It has its own energy (instinsic) that never leaves it. I say it is intrinsically dynamic.
Imagine also that each bigger bit of space can combine with more little spaces (quanta) in the same fashion or combinations as before to make more complex spaces.
To describe these intrinsically dynamic quanta of 'Real space' I call them 'APE's.
How can this be achieved?
Imagine that it can be achieved because of the (topology) shape of the 'APE's.
Imagine that this shape is a coiled up 'slinky'.
Using its internal energy if stretched it will resemble a 'skinny doughnut', or a 'hoopla hoop' (a toroid topology).
Basically it's shape has a hole in it. This is how one can be inside/outside of each another.
Because they are always in constant motion (never stop moving) they create a (virtual) 'fuzzy' space volume (the space that is occupied by this moving toroid).
The actual volume of the toroidal bit of the 'APE' has a fixed volume. (The actual 'slinky' volume part).
I call this fixed volume the 'Primary volume' of the 'APE'.
The (fuzzy) virtual volume of the 'APE', the volume in which the 'APE' moves about in is different to the Primary volume. This I call the 'Secondary volume'.
The Secondary volume is always larger than the Primary volume.
You can see this if you imagine the 'APE' as a propeller. The propeller has a fixed volume when it is not moving, but when it spins it creates a 'fuzzy' volume in which it moves (the Secondary space).
If you place your finger in this 'fuzzy' space, it will probably get damaged!
Obviously don't do this in 'real' terms, use your imagination only. A propeller has a fixed Secondary (fuzzy) space as it rotates.
The 'APE's are NOT like propellers that have a fixed volume and a static shape that rotates.
The 'APE's have a fixed (Primary volume) but its shape is dynamic, it changes its shape as it rotates, spins and rolls, thus creating a (variable) changing Secondary space.
You can imagine a changing shape that has the same volume if you think of a balloon filled with water, it can be distorted into many shapes, but the overall volume is (constant) the same.
The 'APE's are NOT like this (balloon filled with water) keeping their Secondary volume the same.
The 'APE's are not only changing their shape but they are also changing their Secondary volumes.
You can imagine this if you think of a 'slinky' having tighter coils (it will be more compact) it will spin in a smaller Secondary volume, if it has big coils (less curved space) it will occupy a larger Secondary volume.
This is what the 'APE's would do, they expand and contract their Secondary volumes (in a wave like fashion). You must remember they are NOT waves. (If you like you can think of them like imaginary bubbles expanding and contracting.
If you now imagine that the 'APE's have extremely thin toroidal structures, you should see that hundreds can nest inside each other. Things that nest inside each other are things like Russian dolls, but 'APE's are NOT like Russian dolls that are static (the smaller ones are always inside the larger ones). The 'APE's move about and change sizes (bigger then smaller) therefore alternate which one is inside.
Now I could get you to imagine the details of how the 'APE' does this, but firstly imagine that they can do this, maybe imagine soap bubbles expanding and contracting, it will be easy to imagine that you can have hundreds of bubbles (nested) inside each other, all slightly smaller than the one outside it.
Individually they all occupy a Secondary (volume) space, if you added all these Secondary volumes individually, it would be the sum of the individual volumes, but when they are nested they occupy the same Secondary volume as the largest outside bubble!
The rest of the volumes of the inner bubbles you do not see! unless some of the inner bubbles escape. This compacted Secondary volume I call a Tertiary volume (space). The Tertiary volume always has more space inside of it! (The sum of the Secondary volumes, which is variable, or the sum of the Primary volumes which is fixed!).
This situation I call free 'APE's (they can move freely in and out of each other).
You should be able to see the the more bubbles that are nested inside would produce a greater density of the Tertiary space (volume).
Now imagine that this space was 'energy' (more bubbles inside, the more energy this space would hold). Remember that each 'APE' (bubble) has its own intrinsic energy, therefore more 'APE's more energy. It doesn't matter what energy this is at the moment, but it is best thought of as 'dark energy' that way you will not confuse it with the normal energy that you are used to.
If 'APE's are energy, what is matter?
I said at the beginning imagine all the Universe was 'APE's.
Now what is matter?
It is obviously something different than free 'APE's. The simple answer is that it is still 'APE's, but this time they are not free to move independently. This is simple to imagine as a concept but difficult to imagine the details of the structures. The simplest way to describe it without getting into too much detail is to say they are knotted (combined in such a way that they can not escape each other). This knotted mass of 'APE's still has the individual 'APE's with the holes in them and free 'APE's can still pass through them. This new Tertiary space (volume) can be thought of as matter!
Now you can imagine the same number of 'APE's as 'energy' or as 'matter'.
[E² = (mc²)² + ...] the formula is not important at this stage, the concept is.
When 'APE's are free they tend to expand the space around them (if you like energy expands things).
When 'APE's are knotted they tend to contract the space around them, they clump together (they are not free to escape each other either).
For those that like formulae, they should see from the simple E = mc² there is a lot of E for a little amount of m. Or as I would say a lot of Secondary volumes of space in a little bit of matter. It is not as simple as that, but you should get the point that Matter and Energy can have the same building blocks of 'APE's.
I will not expand on how they do this in detail as I would end up explaining the mechanism of gravity (I leave that to another Tea Break Book).
All you need to know is that there is more Secondary space (volume) in this Tertiary volume of matter.
If you have used your imagination correctly you should be able to imagine that we live in a Tertiary space (volume) Universe. The Universe is a Tertiary volume of space with different volumes of Secondary and Primary volumes within it. More Tertiary space can be created by an expanding Universe by releasing more Secondary space without creating any more Primary space ('APE's).
(To understand this dynamic you just need to know no 'APE's are ever created nor destroyed, when the Universe expands and losses its apparent energy, it is just converted to apparent mass (increased gravity) pulls everything back (Big Crunch if you prefer). Cycle repeats the reverse occurs).
All energy we perceive is created by the manifestation of the interactions and combinations of 'APE's.
All matter we perceive is created by the manifestation of the interactions and combinations of 'APE's.
Obviously the interaction of the two are different, energy energy reacts differently to energy matter and again differently to matter matter interactions.
There are many forms of matter but all atoms are mainly protons neutrons and electrons, antimatter is the same but with a different charge. Charges are just opposites of each other and 'APE's can create both positive and negative charges and opposite magnetic fields (North and South). This is achieved by the 'APE's structure for charges and the 'APE's movements and flow for the magnetic fields.
To understand this I need to explain the detailed movements of the 'APE's and their detailed knotted structure that creates directional twisted space. (This I do in other Tea Break Books).
15th December 2017
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Just one last thing, there are ¹volumes, ²volumes and ³volumes, in other words everything is a complex volume and our Tertiary (normal) ³volume can be smaller in normal ⁰volume but at the same time have more space ²volumes inside of it! See my Tea Break Book "Volumes, volumes and volumes".
When you look at 'Real space' you can NOT sub divide it infinitely (making it smaller) by going beyond a certain point the Space gets bigger not smaller. I talk about the inversion of space in another Tea Break Book.
Morph your mind with Morphological at