Expansion of the Universe
31st December 2013
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Expansion of the Universe.
Using my model of "APEs".
You can think of the whole Universe in terms of water.
(The the water molecules will represent the "APEs".
If you imagine that :-
liquid water represents the normal Energy of the Universe,
Ice cubes represents the Matter in the Universe,
and water vapour represents the Dark Energy of the Universe.
Now imagine you have a container of water with floating ice cubes surrounded by the water vapour, (the total would have a certain volume in 3D space) and imagine that there are local variations in temperature that can sustain this state at this time, and that there was an excess of thermal energy in the water.
Now if you ignore the normal thermal variations in which heat will flow from the water to melt the ice, and imagine that the ice (our representation of matter) can absorb the water (i.e. the energy in our representation) and it either stays in a free state as water inside the ice cube (i.e. adds energy to the matter) or it binds to the ice cube and makes more ice (i.e. creates more matter, this would be potential energy). If the ice cube was small in relation to the water, the water would melt the ice into water (i.e. if energy is high enough it will break down the matter into more energy, eg. Nuclear energy). In this way the water/ice balance changes but in total it is constant. I.e. the energy/matter balance is constant, conservation of the total energy + matter in the Universe is conserved. All can be converted into water or all can be converted into ice (the total amount of water is the same). The total Energy of the universe + the total matter (converted to Energy) is constant.
Now imagine that the water vapour was at a certain pressure and was stable at that pressure under the current circumstances. Now imagine that some of the water wanted to turn into water vapour, the water vapour pressure would increase in your container, but the water vapour was stable at the current level before the increase and it would like to become or stay more stable by reducing the additional pressure increase. It could do this by creating something in between water and water vapour, let us say steam (this can represent Dark Matter) to help reduce the pressure a bit, but the real Universe does not have a container, so the water vapour could just increase the total volume of the Universe in an attempt to keep this pressure approximately constant. Now the steam can convert to water vapour, and more water can convert to steam/water vapour perpetuating the expansion of the Universe, but keeping the pressure about the same.
This gives the impression that new Dark Energy is being created from nothing as the Universe expands, but all that is happening is the total Energy, irrespective of its origin is constant. Dark Energy + Dark Matter + Normal Energy + Matter = Total Universal Energy which is simply the sum of all the "APEs" of the Universe which creates all these forms. Everything is conserved.
In our sample representation water vapour + steam + liquid water + ice solid water = Total amount of water which is simply the sum of all the water molecules. No new molecules are created nor destroyed in the expansion (or the contraction later).
All you now have to understand is how all these forms are created.
You may feel that the Universe is not just these simple layers, (i.e. a layer of water in one place and a vapour layer above etc.), but conceptually it can be. To make it more realistic imagine the water was in the form of lots of bubbles, like bubbling water and the water vapour was inside the bubbles and as the Universe expands the bubbles increase in number and create a great big foam of water and vapour. The total amount of water is the same but the Universe can still expand, but there will come a point in time when the foam gets so big the water film around the bubbles will get too thin and will not be able to sustain more foam. (I.e. when the Energy of the Universe dissipates over a large enough volume in 3D space).
What will happen then?
You have 2 possibilities.
1. The ice cubes start to melt (i.e. give it more energy to keep on going), but this will also eventually run out.
2. The ice cube converts some of the water to form more ice thereby reducing the pressure even further.
Option 1. Does not happen because matter (which the ice cube represents) actually absorbs energy via the gravitational field. The field itself is the flow of "APEs" within it. I will explain in another section how this is done. Some people may say how can you believe that some form of energy field keeps going into the centre of mass and never come out? Some people believe that everything goes into a black hole and never comes out, both are not as they seem. I will explain in another section how this is not as simple as it seems.
Going back to option 2. The ice cube converts some of the water into more ice. This is what actually happens (i.e. matter absorbs energy and other matter, just as black holes do). As the Universe expands all the black holes in the Universe absorb all the energy and matter around them, in so doing the dark energy and dark matter is depleted, this causes a reduction in the pressure and the Universe will start to contract to compensate for this depletion (ie. the dark energy will start to be transferred back to normal energy, the foam will shrink) the Universe will start to contract.
All this seems very convenient, but if you think that the total of all the Universal Energy is constant then it is simple. As the black holes increase in size they will draw each other together and shrink the Universe, as the Universe shrinks it increases the total energy density of the Universe until all the black holes come together into the Big Crunch. What has to be remembered is that all matter including black holes take in energy and also expel energy the totals are equal to each other, but they take different forms. In the case of black holes they unravel some of their matter into Dark Energy which escapes all of the time from the black hole, but is normally less than the energy that it is absorbing so the black hole gets bigger. Because Dark Energy is less dense than normal energy it can easily escape.
In simple terms a black hole is no different to stars, super novas and hyper novas. When the mass of a star gets too massive the gravitational field implodes the star giving off energy and leaving behind a smaller denser object. This starts another similar process. The bigger the star the bigger the greater the gravity and the greater the explosion. The hyper nova is greater than the super nova, in the case of the black hole it has greater gravity than the hyper nova, but insufficient mass and energy to explode the black hole. There is sufficient energy to unravel some of the mass to Dark Energy. Only when the Density of Energy to mass ratio is great enough does it implode. This occurs at the Big Crunch when the energy density is great enough to explode the mass in a Big Bang, leaving a remnant black hole at its centre, and propelling the rest of the energy back out again to start the process again.
You know the rest, the energy clumps together to form dust clouds, stars, galaxies etc. as the energy density is reduced once again.
As in any explosion, it begins accelerating exponentially (taking bits with it) then the rate of acceleration slows down and it eventually stops.
Is this not what happens in an explosion?
The Big Bang is simply just this except that the process also reverses after it stops.
[We are simply at or in the accelerating stage still].
I said all objects absorb energy to their centre of mass, this is Dark Energy, what I didn't explain (but I do in another section, Tea Break Book about the Mechanism of Gravity) is that this Dark Energy is expelled again, simply by exchange via their density changes.
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Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Expansion of the Universe.
Using my model of "APEs".
You can think of the whole Universe in terms of water.
(The the water molecules will represent the "APEs".
If you imagine that :-
liquid water represents the normal Energy of the Universe,
Ice cubes represents the Matter in the Universe,
and water vapour represents the Dark Energy of the Universe.
Now imagine you have a container of water with floating ice cubes surrounded by the water vapour, (the total would have a certain volume in 3D space) and imagine that there are local variations in temperature that can sustain this state at this time, and that there was an excess of thermal energy in the water.
Now if you ignore the normal thermal variations in which heat will flow from the water to melt the ice, and imagine that the ice (our representation of matter) can absorb the water (i.e. the energy in our representation) and it either stays in a free state as water inside the ice cube (i.e. adds energy to the matter) or it binds to the ice cube and makes more ice (i.e. creates more matter, this would be potential energy). If the ice cube was small in relation to the water, the water would melt the ice into water (i.e. if energy is high enough it will break down the matter into more energy, eg. Nuclear energy). In this way the water/ice balance changes but in total it is constant. I.e. the energy/matter balance is constant, conservation of the total energy + matter in the Universe is conserved. All can be converted into water or all can be converted into ice (the total amount of water is the same). The total Energy of the universe + the total matter (converted to Energy) is constant.
Now imagine that the water vapour was at a certain pressure and was stable at that pressure under the current circumstances. Now imagine that some of the water wanted to turn into water vapour, the water vapour pressure would increase in your container, but the water vapour was stable at the current level before the increase and it would like to become or stay more stable by reducing the additional pressure increase. It could do this by creating something in between water and water vapour, let us say steam (this can represent Dark Matter) to help reduce the pressure a bit, but the real Universe does not have a container, so the water vapour could just increase the total volume of the Universe in an attempt to keep this pressure approximately constant. Now the steam can convert to water vapour, and more water can convert to steam/water vapour perpetuating the expansion of the Universe, but keeping the pressure about the same.
This gives the impression that new Dark Energy is being created from nothing as the Universe expands, but all that is happening is the total Energy, irrespective of its origin is constant. Dark Energy + Dark Matter + Normal Energy + Matter = Total Universal Energy which is simply the sum of all the "APEs" of the Universe which creates all these forms. Everything is conserved.
In our sample representation water vapour + steam + liquid water + ice solid water = Total amount of water which is simply the sum of all the water molecules. No new molecules are created nor destroyed in the expansion (or the contraction later).
All you now have to understand is how all these forms are created.
You may feel that the Universe is not just these simple layers, (i.e. a layer of water in one place and a vapour layer above etc.), but conceptually it can be. To make it more realistic imagine the water was in the form of lots of bubbles, like bubbling water and the water vapour was inside the bubbles and as the Universe expands the bubbles increase in number and create a great big foam of water and vapour. The total amount of water is the same but the Universe can still expand, but there will come a point in time when the foam gets so big the water film around the bubbles will get too thin and will not be able to sustain more foam. (I.e. when the Energy of the Universe dissipates over a large enough volume in 3D space).
What will happen then?
You have 2 possibilities.
1. The ice cubes start to melt (i.e. give it more energy to keep on going), but this will also eventually run out.
2. The ice cube converts some of the water to form more ice thereby reducing the pressure even further.
Option 1. Does not happen because matter (which the ice cube represents) actually absorbs energy via the gravitational field. The field itself is the flow of "APEs" within it. I will explain in another section how this is done. Some people may say how can you believe that some form of energy field keeps going into the centre of mass and never come out? Some people believe that everything goes into a black hole and never comes out, both are not as they seem. I will explain in another section how this is not as simple as it seems.
Going back to option 2. The ice cube converts some of the water into more ice. This is what actually happens (i.e. matter absorbs energy and other matter, just as black holes do). As the Universe expands all the black holes in the Universe absorb all the energy and matter around them, in so doing the dark energy and dark matter is depleted, this causes a reduction in the pressure and the Universe will start to contract to compensate for this depletion (ie. the dark energy will start to be transferred back to normal energy, the foam will shrink) the Universe will start to contract.
All this seems very convenient, but if you think that the total of all the Universal Energy is constant then it is simple. As the black holes increase in size they will draw each other together and shrink the Universe, as the Universe shrinks it increases the total energy density of the Universe until all the black holes come together into the Big Crunch. What has to be remembered is that all matter including black holes take in energy and also expel energy the totals are equal to each other, but they take different forms. In the case of black holes they unravel some of their matter into Dark Energy which escapes all of the time from the black hole, but is normally less than the energy that it is absorbing so the black hole gets bigger. Because Dark Energy is less dense than normal energy it can easily escape.
In simple terms a black hole is no different to stars, super novas and hyper novas. When the mass of a star gets too massive the gravitational field implodes the star giving off energy and leaving behind a smaller denser object. This starts another similar process. The bigger the star the bigger the greater the gravity and the greater the explosion. The hyper nova is greater than the super nova, in the case of the black hole it has greater gravity than the hyper nova, but insufficient mass and energy to explode the black hole. There is sufficient energy to unravel some of the mass to Dark Energy. Only when the Density of Energy to mass ratio is great enough does it implode. This occurs at the Big Crunch when the energy density is great enough to explode the mass in a Big Bang, leaving a remnant black hole at its centre, and propelling the rest of the energy back out again to start the process again.
You know the rest, the energy clumps together to form dust clouds, stars, galaxies etc. as the energy density is reduced once again.
As in any explosion, it begins accelerating exponentially (taking bits with it) then the rate of acceleration slows down and it eventually stops.
Is this not what happens in an explosion?
The Big Bang is simply just this except that the process also reverses after it stops.
[We are simply at or in the accelerating stage still].
I said all objects absorb energy to their centre of mass, this is Dark Energy, what I didn't explain (but I do in another section, Tea Break Book about the Mechanism of Gravity) is that this Dark Energy is expelled again, simply by exchange via their density changes.
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