4th January 2014
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Custard boiling slowly.
When you heat something up you are adding "APEs" to the mixture, (energy less dense than matter). This will act like pumping water into a sponge and try to expand the volume to accommodate the new "APEs".
These "APEs" will be squeezed into the spaces of the material and depending on the material and it's strength (the bonds within it) the material will expand or squeeze out the excess "APEs" until such times that too many "APEs" are added and the material will break down.
A flow of "APEs" is created (thermal conduction) when the material does not break down.
The temperature goes up the more "APEs" that are compacted into the material per unit volume. So if you compact a lot of "APEs" into a small volume the temperature will be high, but there may not be much heat in it, because heat is the total amount of "APEs" in the material.
This means that you can have more heat (energy "APEs") in a larger volume of material with a lower temperature, and less heat (energy "APEs") in a material with higher temperature in a smaller volume.
It all depends on the "APEs" complex structures and densities of the "APEs" in the mixture. Energy per unit volume.
Note:- But you must always remember that energy is of two basic forms. One is the normal energy we normally use, and the other is the "APEs" intrinsic energy which is associated with space density.
Eg. We would normally say that an electron has more energy when we excite it, and less energy when it drops down to a lower orbital and it gives off a photon of radiation. This will give the impression that the overall total energy of the atom is greater (which it is in the conventional way), but it is not when you consider the intrinsic energy of the space density of the remaining atom. To really understand this you have to think that free "APEs" is how we will measure the total energy within the 3D space volume that contains the total "APEs" (both energy and matter). When "APEs" combine to form matter they compress their energy into a small volume of 3D space therefore the energy per volume is greater than when they are free, but we have stated earlier that the atom is at its lowest energy state when the electron is in it's lowest level I.e most compact (the electron rises into a higher energy state when excited). There appears to be a dilemma between these two energy states that I have mentioned, on the one hand I am saying there is more energy in the compact form of the atom (I call the total energy of the space, the potential energy) and on the other hand we are saying that there is more energy in the excited atom which is less compact.
The dilemma disappears when you realise that as the electron is excited the atom reduces some of its intrinsic potential energy holding the electron in position, so the net potential energy of the atom has not changed. When the electron releases the photon and drops back to its lower orbital it increases the intrinsic potential energy of the atom in equal and opposite amounts. Only when you unravel the matter in the atom to release the true amount of free energy within it do you see the true amount of energy in the system, which is vast in comparison (eg. Atomic bomb, the free "APEs" expand the Universe, or the space around them if they can, other wise they also compress the remaining space around them, it is really a mixture of the two dependent on the surrounding structures and densities of the space volumes around it).
The previous paragraph is difficult to follow if you did not understand it straight away.
Another way to look at it is to ask the question "How much strength is there in a ball of elastic bands bond together? We can do this by counting the elastic bands.
We repeat the previous experiment but this time we will pull one elastic band to represent the excitation of the electron which is bound to the atom into what we first said was a higher energy state. When we release the elastic band his would be equivalent to releasing the photon of energy and the electron going back to the now supposed lowest energy state. At this point we say the atom has the least amount of energy (called the zero state). Now what I was trying to get across was that the total energy in the whole ball is the same (it's strength) this is only determined when you unravel the ball and release all the elastic bands, and then you can truly measure the strength of all the bands together, the two types of energy are not truly the same, they are measured differently. They are both characteristics of "APEs" but to be equivalent the "APEs" must be in the same equivalent states at the same time.
They are of completely different magnitudes. So you get the impression that you can heat something (let us say a block of metal) to thousands of degrees and you have added tons of energy to it, but just adding one cold atom to a block of ice has more intrinsic energy in it than your previously added energy to your metal block. [You have to look at the scales]. Atom bomb example again.
Note:- some of you who followed my explanation (if you followed it correctly) will have picked up on the fact this still does not quite make sense because the total number of all the "APEs" including the photon must be greater than the total excluding the photon. This is correct, but you must remember which type of energy you are trying to work out. Is it free, is it intrinsic or are you trying to combine the two, as in the last example? All will be different because you are not always combining like with like. Eg. 4 + 4 is not always 8. 4 apples + 4 oranges is 8, but not 8 apples or 8 oranges. When you are counting let us say the total number of seeds or pips in the apples and oranges together, then you must know how many pips in each fruit (each fruit has a different amount of pips) otherwise your totals won't make sense. The last example is equivalent to counting the pips. Counting the "APEs" is the true total energy of the system, which never changes, expanding or contracting the Universe in 3D keeps the same number of "APEs" in 7D or whatever higher dimensions you want to add. It just shifts the balance between space volumes and densities of the different complexes that are formed.
Let's get back to custard. If you boil it slowly you will see that heat is added and various size bubbles will form in the custard and rise to the surface expanding the custard volume, some bubbles will expand too much and pop, others will expand then contract back into the custard without popping. This happens when some of the heat escapes because the bonds of the custard are stronger and squeeze out the extra "APEs" and the structure and volume of the custard shrinks a bit. This is what I was saying happens to all materials some energy can be contained and expand the material (different materials can hold differencing amounts of heat due to their structures and strengths) some material can still keep the heat but they change their structure and strength and density distribution (this may or may not increase their 3D volume) and some materials hold their structure and release the heat. All combinations are possible, and by varying the concentration of custard and the heat you supply and the surrounding out side temperature you can see all these effects.
It's a good thing I like custard. Maybe.
Morph your mind with Morphological at
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Custard boiling slowly.
When you heat something up you are adding "APEs" to the mixture, (energy less dense than matter). This will act like pumping water into a sponge and try to expand the volume to accommodate the new "APEs".
These "APEs" will be squeezed into the spaces of the material and depending on the material and it's strength (the bonds within it) the material will expand or squeeze out the excess "APEs" until such times that too many "APEs" are added and the material will break down.
A flow of "APEs" is created (thermal conduction) when the material does not break down.
The temperature goes up the more "APEs" that are compacted into the material per unit volume. So if you compact a lot of "APEs" into a small volume the temperature will be high, but there may not be much heat in it, because heat is the total amount of "APEs" in the material.
This means that you can have more heat (energy "APEs") in a larger volume of material with a lower temperature, and less heat (energy "APEs") in a material with higher temperature in a smaller volume.
It all depends on the "APEs" complex structures and densities of the "APEs" in the mixture. Energy per unit volume.
Note:- But you must always remember that energy is of two basic forms. One is the normal energy we normally use, and the other is the "APEs" intrinsic energy which is associated with space density.
Eg. We would normally say that an electron has more energy when we excite it, and less energy when it drops down to a lower orbital and it gives off a photon of radiation. This will give the impression that the overall total energy of the atom is greater (which it is in the conventional way), but it is not when you consider the intrinsic energy of the space density of the remaining atom. To really understand this you have to think that free "APEs" is how we will measure the total energy within the 3D space volume that contains the total "APEs" (both energy and matter). When "APEs" combine to form matter they compress their energy into a small volume of 3D space therefore the energy per volume is greater than when they are free, but we have stated earlier that the atom is at its lowest energy state when the electron is in it's lowest level I.e most compact (the electron rises into a higher energy state when excited). There appears to be a dilemma between these two energy states that I have mentioned, on the one hand I am saying there is more energy in the compact form of the atom (I call the total energy of the space, the potential energy) and on the other hand we are saying that there is more energy in the excited atom which is less compact.
The dilemma disappears when you realise that as the electron is excited the atom reduces some of its intrinsic potential energy holding the electron in position, so the net potential energy of the atom has not changed. When the electron releases the photon and drops back to its lower orbital it increases the intrinsic potential energy of the atom in equal and opposite amounts. Only when you unravel the matter in the atom to release the true amount of free energy within it do you see the true amount of energy in the system, which is vast in comparison (eg. Atomic bomb, the free "APEs" expand the Universe, or the space around them if they can, other wise they also compress the remaining space around them, it is really a mixture of the two dependent on the surrounding structures and densities of the space volumes around it).
The previous paragraph is difficult to follow if you did not understand it straight away.
Another way to look at it is to ask the question "How much strength is there in a ball of elastic bands bond together? We can do this by counting the elastic bands.
We repeat the previous experiment but this time we will pull one elastic band to represent the excitation of the electron which is bound to the atom into what we first said was a higher energy state. When we release the elastic band his would be equivalent to releasing the photon of energy and the electron going back to the now supposed lowest energy state. At this point we say the atom has the least amount of energy (called the zero state). Now what I was trying to get across was that the total energy in the whole ball is the same (it's strength) this is only determined when you unravel the ball and release all the elastic bands, and then you can truly measure the strength of all the bands together, the two types of energy are not truly the same, they are measured differently. They are both characteristics of "APEs" but to be equivalent the "APEs" must be in the same equivalent states at the same time.
They are of completely different magnitudes. So you get the impression that you can heat something (let us say a block of metal) to thousands of degrees and you have added tons of energy to it, but just adding one cold atom to a block of ice has more intrinsic energy in it than your previously added energy to your metal block. [You have to look at the scales]. Atom bomb example again.
Note:- some of you who followed my explanation (if you followed it correctly) will have picked up on the fact this still does not quite make sense because the total number of all the "APEs" including the photon must be greater than the total excluding the photon. This is correct, but you must remember which type of energy you are trying to work out. Is it free, is it intrinsic or are you trying to combine the two, as in the last example? All will be different because you are not always combining like with like. Eg. 4 + 4 is not always 8. 4 apples + 4 oranges is 8, but not 8 apples or 8 oranges. When you are counting let us say the total number of seeds or pips in the apples and oranges together, then you must know how many pips in each fruit (each fruit has a different amount of pips) otherwise your totals won't make sense. The last example is equivalent to counting the pips. Counting the "APEs" is the true total energy of the system, which never changes, expanding or contracting the Universe in 3D keeps the same number of "APEs" in 7D or whatever higher dimensions you want to add. It just shifts the balance between space volumes and densities of the different complexes that are formed.
Let's get back to custard. If you boil it slowly you will see that heat is added and various size bubbles will form in the custard and rise to the surface expanding the custard volume, some bubbles will expand too much and pop, others will expand then contract back into the custard without popping. This happens when some of the heat escapes because the bonds of the custard are stronger and squeeze out the extra "APEs" and the structure and volume of the custard shrinks a bit. This is what I was saying happens to all materials some energy can be contained and expand the material (different materials can hold differencing amounts of heat due to their structures and strengths) some material can still keep the heat but they change their structure and strength and density distribution (this may or may not increase their 3D volume) and some materials hold their structure and release the heat. All combinations are possible, and by varying the concentration of custard and the heat you supply and the surrounding out side temperature you can see all these effects.
It's a good thing I like custard. Maybe.
Morph your mind with Morphological at