Beginning of everything
14th October 2013
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Beginning of everything.
I originally wrote my book to encourage people to think of the solution, unfortunately this did not work, so now I will just tell you a solution of everything.
This is the beginning of the theory of everything.
At the most fundamental level there are no pure particles or pure waves, neither a combination of both as wavicles.
'Reality' is constructed from a completely different state, a third state if you like, not a particle and not a wave, nor both.
It is an entity that is completely different, it has the property of being its own opposite and can construct space, time, energy, light, dark energy, matter, dark matter, antimatter, radioactivity, gravity, EM fields, weak and strong forces, and everything else in the Universe that exists or could exist.
Everything is 'Real' and eternal for all of time.
There is no need for abstract parallel Universes, nor for anything to be created from nothing or disappear into nothing.
At first I suggested it would be best to read chapter 4 (Preconceived ideas) to get the best benefit, but now I know you cannot benefit from this book unless you read chapter 4 first.
Therefore I will allow you to download for free the first 15 chapters of my book. If you think it is worth continuing to read, you can download the whole book for £2.53 definitely a bargain because no one else on this planet has come up with this answer before me.
I will later explain the slit experiment and explain why everyone has interpreted it incorrectly and come to the wrong conclusions.
Morph your mind with Morphological at
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Beginning of everything.
I originally wrote my book to encourage people to think of the solution, unfortunately this did not work, so now I will just tell you a solution of everything.
This is the beginning of the theory of everything.
At the most fundamental level there are no pure particles or pure waves, neither a combination of both as wavicles.
'Reality' is constructed from a completely different state, a third state if you like, not a particle and not a wave, nor both.
It is an entity that is completely different, it has the property of being its own opposite and can construct space, time, energy, light, dark energy, matter, dark matter, antimatter, radioactivity, gravity, EM fields, weak and strong forces, and everything else in the Universe that exists or could exist.
Everything is 'Real' and eternal for all of time.
There is no need for abstract parallel Universes, nor for anything to be created from nothing or disappear into nothing.
At first I suggested it would be best to read chapter 4 (Preconceived ideas) to get the best benefit, but now I know you cannot benefit from this book unless you read chapter 4 first.
Therefore I will allow you to download for free the first 15 chapters of my book. If you think it is worth continuing to read, you can download the whole book for £2.53 definitely a bargain because no one else on this planet has come up with this answer before me.
I will later explain the slit experiment and explain why everyone has interpreted it incorrectly and come to the wrong conclusions.
Morph your mind with Morphological at