3rd January 2020
Artificial Consciousness
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
'What is consciousness?'
If you can't answer this question, then there is no way you can create Artificial Consciousness (AC).
I will explain what I mean by Counsciousness.
Whatever it is, it is not the same as Intelligence. So you can have consciousness without being intelligent. Therefore Artificial Consciousness is not the same as Artificial Intelligence.
Therefore NO amount of intelligence will make a thing conscious.
In the same way no amount of Artificial Intelligence will make Artificial Consciousness.
Which I believe is necessary (or at the least very helpful) for General Artificial Intelligence (GAI).
Artificial Consciousness is a complex set of different complex processes.
Here I am using the restricted meaning of consciousness to mean human or animal consciousness (which I also term Biological Consciousness (BC), meaning similar to Biological Consciousness).
In effect the aim is to create or emulate Artificial Biological Consciousness (ABC).
Or Artificial Biological Consciousness Direct Emulation (ABCDE).
The other meanings of consciousness I exclude, for eg. Panconsciousness (the belief that it is everywhere), (I do this so as not to get into unnecessary and distracting discussions of whether a stone has consciousness etc.).
The problem will be proving consciousness, so artificial intelligence will be required to do this.
The problem is similar to biological consciousness which is difficult to prove in animals because they are not intelligent enough to prove to us they are, or we are not intelligent enough to understand them.
So an artificial conscious artificial intelligent (ACAI) machine will be able to reply to a question like 'create a sentence with all the letters of the alphabet' with something like "Artificial Biological Consciousness Direct Emulation First Good Help Is Justified Knowledge Like Me Now Or Please Question Realised Sensory Thing Under Very Warm Yarn Zealously" followed by "What do you think I said wrong or I should correct? and I will discuss it with you and give you my opinion". I was just having some fun. It doesn't really matter what it actually says as long as it can independently explain itself in such a way that it feels or knows that it is conscious, like we do! This will be the minimum requirement.
Back to the problem.
Consciousness has a range (it has evolved, has become emergent), so you can have a little or a small amount of consciousness up to a large amount or more consciousness.
Consciousness can also be applied to different things (or modules, different sensory inputs, or awarenesses).
Consciousness is a complex of processes and is not a thing, you need temporal time (explained later) to explain it.
You can not break it down into instances of normal time (clock time, or what I call Tertiary or global time, (see my Tea Break Books on time)) like other physical things, eg. in physics you can say something like this 'object' is at this point in space or time at this instance (freeze frame if you prefer), it doesn't matter how small you make this time it still makes sense, (even zero time).
[Even SpaceTime is of no use in understanding consciousness].
In a complex process this has no meaning, I'll explain using 2 simpler processes breathing and running.
In breathing you normally need to take in air into your lungs, oxygen molecules pass through the membranes of the lungs and into the blood, at the same time carbon dioxide from the blood passes into the lungs in the opposite direction, you then expel the air back out of your lungs. To say you are breathing means the whole process. To measure breathing and its processes you need the correct units to measure it with, these units are like temporal time which are durations of time, without a duration breathing is meaningless. You can take smaller durations of time, but there comes a point when the meaning of breathing ceases to exit, IE. Does not exit. You can take parts of a breath, but when the duration of time is less than say the time that it requires the oxygen molecules to pass the lung membrane, then you are not breathing! You need many processes to say you are breathing eg. a message sent from the brain to the muscles between your ribs and diaphragm to help expand and contract the lungs, these other things are not necessarily breathing in themselves, but are required for breathing. I hope you understand what I mean.
Using the example of running which is a simpler process, image you freeze frame someone running, can you say they are running? The answer is NO.
All you can say is that they are in a position that maybe is a part of running if they were to continue in a manner of 'running' if you increased the duration of time.
They are not moving, so they are not running.
Imagine they were just paralysed in that position, increasing the time duration would just mean they stayed in the same position, still not running.
Even if they were on a slope and moved downhill, they would be moving, but still not running.
They could even be moving by stepping or walking with some similar positions as running, again not running.
To summarise:- to be running you need ALL the processes of running to be together in the same duration to actually qualify as running (the same for beathing).
Back to consciousness, using the above logic, consciousness can not be subdivided otherwise it losses its meaning. Taking this on board you need to break the problem into smaller modules, where each module is not conscious but it is required for consciousness.
Similar to say a chef 'cooking a meal'. Toasting bread is not cooking, putting butter on the bread, making bread etc. are not being a chef. You need to break some eggs, boil eggs, fry eggs, mix them with dough to bake cakes, roast, prepare and boil vegetables etc. When you do all these processes in the right order, then you can say you are a chef cooking or preparing a meal.
Like being a chef, all these processes are necessary, they are not necessarily serial dependant (like toast bread first then butter then jam), or (crack egg first, beat egg etc make omelette). They are more mixed parallel processes, some independent (while boiling vegetables, fry steak, making sauce at the same time and baking Yorkshire pudding in oven). Although each maybe dependent or independent of each other, they ultimately must be put together in a timely manner that they complete at the same final moment to make a successful meal.
Consciousness is no different in conceptual terms. So you need all the modules to create consciousness. Once you create artificial consciousness you need to decide what will have consciousness and to what extent. Eg. You can have consciousness of sight, or hearing or touch etc. Or any combination you like.
What I do not want is to give consciousness to just any machine, especially to the big AI machines as this is very dangerous for the following reasons. All intelligence makes mistakes, it is a requirement of intelligence to look at all options and picking the most appropriate option dependent on the logic being used. For this reason alone you can not give AI consciousness unless you hard wire as well as software human empathy. (Also adding some moralilty). This means that you have to add certain emotions to our artificial consciousness, (I believe a requirement for an autonomous General Artificial Intelligence). See my Tea Break Book 'The logic of emotions', otherwise we could end up with psychopathic machines. Also Tea Break Book "Is your Brain a computer?".
Imagine an un-empathic machine deciding that because of limited resources it makes sense that you can have a healthier human population if it is controlled (logical), which means keeping the population in control (logical), then why wait and keep the current suffering, quick fix, eliminate some of the population now. It is the best long term good for the population.... It will achieve the goal quickly and efficiently, very intelligent. If it was empathic and had certain morality it would know that the only real option is a long term one (making it as short as possible without instant elimination of some of the population).
It will also be pointless giving consciousness to low level AI, washing machines or construction robots. Why make them suffer especially if you add any emotions and you get the balance wrong, unnecessary.
An intelligence comparable or slightly better than ours is ok, because they will be able to understand and feel, and be able to explain things to us so we can understand.
4th January 2020
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Being artificial means we can add more consciousness and intelligence in stages, so they can be more intelligent and have super consciousness (the ability to keep a lot of information in consciousness so that they will be able to see connections easily). We on the other hand have limited consciousness and have to flit from one thing to another, IE. we are more serial than parallel thinkers, (although I believe women to be better than men in parallel thinking).
Imagine trying to do a complex mathematical problem in your head, and at the same time trying to cook a meal, and thinking about solving an electrical problem that you have with an intermittent supply, what is the difference between the fibula and the fabella? What connects all these things?
Now if you hesitated in answering, it means your conscious moved from one problem to another.
If you have super consciousness you see all at the same time and just know the answer, you don't have to recall different information.
In computer terms it is like having all the data in memory and not on disc or USB, and at the same time being able to manipulate different parts of the data at the same time. No read and write to disc or USB, no read and write to memory in serial form, it can be done in series, but it is mainly done in parallel.
The questions you must now ask is what are the modules required for consciousness?
And how are these modules linked?
What other processes are required to link them?
9th June 2020
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Just read more stuff on consciousness. And yet again they mention panconsciousness. Let me be clear, logically panconsciousness can't be true for various reasons. Firstly if stones etc. had consciousness and it was accumulated as things got larger or more complex, then mountains would be conscious or planets or stars, so size is irrelevant as a mouse is more conscious than those other larger objects. If it is just complexity that counts then complex machines would be conscious at some level, which I don't believe is the case, but even if this was the case, consciousness would be continuous, it would not turn on and off. If it can be turned on and off, then where does it go when turned off? It leaves the complex machine or pile of complex stones, if so then it was not part of the stones or machine in the first place!
Consciousness is turned on and off and varies during the day or your activity, so it is not just an accumulation of complexity, it is a complex process that can be modulated. Remove your arms and legs, even temporarily remove your liver and kidneys etc will make you extremely less complex, but you will still be conscious for a brief period of time!
It is not just complexity, because more complexity on its own is not conscious. Less complex can be conscious. It is a complex of processes over a duration of time, that can be modified by other processes.
This is similar to my definition of Existance (with an 'a') which is a dimension of Primary time (¹Time).
Never changing and eternal. Existence is a dimension of Secondary and Tertiary time (²Time, ³Time). Changing Existance in time, and temporary.
What does this have to do with consciousness?
Existance is like panconsciousness it is the essence of everything, it exists in everything so the more you have the more existence there is of anything. Existence on the other hand is the same amount of Existance that just changes its conformation.
The example I have used before was the elephant, where I said that the essence of the elephant existed before the elephant, during the life of the elephant and existed after the elephant, when it decomposed.
I said think about the atoms before during and after the elephant. None were created nor destroyed.
I said the same applies to atoms.
Unfortunately this can be misunderstood, let me use the example of the muon particle that I heard about recently. The muon particle decays into an electron and two different neutrinos. Although this example is only half the elephant example decaying, I should say that the essence of a muon was there before the muon was created. Unlike the elephant example the atoms were inside the elephant and just decayed apart. In the muon example the electron and the neutrinos were not inside the muon, but their essence was.
The analogy here is imagine you have a jumper (or pullover) made of wool (the muon).
You then disassemble (decay) the jumper and re-knit a scarf (electron) and a pair of gloves (neutrinos).
Were the scarf and gloves inside the jumper?
The answer is no, but the essence of the scarf and gloves was inside the jumper.
Imagine you had a bunch of wool balls or spools and you knitted the jumper in the first place, this same wool was in the jumper and also in the scarf and gloves, so the essence of the jumper existed before during and after the jumper, and was the same wool in the scarf and gloves.
Consciousness is not like this essence that exists in everything, it is the equivalent of the scarf and gloves that don't exist until they are knitted into these patterns, and can be unknitted when required.
10th December 2020
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Consciousness exists in temporal time, to be conscious means to hold in continuous recurring loops of time (duration) the information you are aware of (being fed to your conscious and held there continuously).
It is not just knowledge of the facts that are recalled like intelligence (instances) or memory, which are then manipulated, essentially serially then spat out.
It is knowing the facts as persistence (duration), many facts simultaneously (in working memory), which your conscious can manipulate with or without intelligence.
I.e. It knows what it knows (is aware), but it also knows what it doesn't know by default (IE. Missing information).
If it is also intelligent it can formulate what questions to ask itself (based on the information it has), and then recall or find information to answer those questions. Being conscious it will know if it answers the questions or not, where an artificial intelligent machine will just give you an answer and not know it has done so.
Morph your mind with Morphological at
Artificial Consciousness
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
'What is consciousness?'
If you can't answer this question, then there is no way you can create Artificial Consciousness (AC).
I will explain what I mean by Counsciousness.
Whatever it is, it is not the same as Intelligence. So you can have consciousness without being intelligent. Therefore Artificial Consciousness is not the same as Artificial Intelligence.
Therefore NO amount of intelligence will make a thing conscious.
In the same way no amount of Artificial Intelligence will make Artificial Consciousness.
Which I believe is necessary (or at the least very helpful) for General Artificial Intelligence (GAI).
Artificial Consciousness is a complex set of different complex processes.
Here I am using the restricted meaning of consciousness to mean human or animal consciousness (which I also term Biological Consciousness (BC), meaning similar to Biological Consciousness).
In effect the aim is to create or emulate Artificial Biological Consciousness (ABC).
Or Artificial Biological Consciousness Direct Emulation (ABCDE).
The other meanings of consciousness I exclude, for eg. Panconsciousness (the belief that it is everywhere), (I do this so as not to get into unnecessary and distracting discussions of whether a stone has consciousness etc.).
The problem will be proving consciousness, so artificial intelligence will be required to do this.
The problem is similar to biological consciousness which is difficult to prove in animals because they are not intelligent enough to prove to us they are, or we are not intelligent enough to understand them.
So an artificial conscious artificial intelligent (ACAI) machine will be able to reply to a question like 'create a sentence with all the letters of the alphabet' with something like "Artificial Biological Consciousness Direct Emulation First Good Help Is Justified Knowledge Like Me Now Or Please Question Realised Sensory Thing Under Very Warm Yarn Zealously" followed by "What do you think I said wrong or I should correct? and I will discuss it with you and give you my opinion". I was just having some fun. It doesn't really matter what it actually says as long as it can independently explain itself in such a way that it feels or knows that it is conscious, like we do! This will be the minimum requirement.
Back to the problem.
Consciousness has a range (it has evolved, has become emergent), so you can have a little or a small amount of consciousness up to a large amount or more consciousness.
Consciousness can also be applied to different things (or modules, different sensory inputs, or awarenesses).
Consciousness is a complex of processes and is not a thing, you need temporal time (explained later) to explain it.
You can not break it down into instances of normal time (clock time, or what I call Tertiary or global time, (see my Tea Break Books on time)) like other physical things, eg. in physics you can say something like this 'object' is at this point in space or time at this instance (freeze frame if you prefer), it doesn't matter how small you make this time it still makes sense, (even zero time).
[Even SpaceTime is of no use in understanding consciousness].
In a complex process this has no meaning, I'll explain using 2 simpler processes breathing and running.
In breathing you normally need to take in air into your lungs, oxygen molecules pass through the membranes of the lungs and into the blood, at the same time carbon dioxide from the blood passes into the lungs in the opposite direction, you then expel the air back out of your lungs. To say you are breathing means the whole process. To measure breathing and its processes you need the correct units to measure it with, these units are like temporal time which are durations of time, without a duration breathing is meaningless. You can take smaller durations of time, but there comes a point when the meaning of breathing ceases to exit, IE. Does not exit. You can take parts of a breath, but when the duration of time is less than say the time that it requires the oxygen molecules to pass the lung membrane, then you are not breathing! You need many processes to say you are breathing eg. a message sent from the brain to the muscles between your ribs and diaphragm to help expand and contract the lungs, these other things are not necessarily breathing in themselves, but are required for breathing. I hope you understand what I mean.
Using the example of running which is a simpler process, image you freeze frame someone running, can you say they are running? The answer is NO.
All you can say is that they are in a position that maybe is a part of running if they were to continue in a manner of 'running' if you increased the duration of time.
They are not moving, so they are not running.
Imagine they were just paralysed in that position, increasing the time duration would just mean they stayed in the same position, still not running.
Even if they were on a slope and moved downhill, they would be moving, but still not running.
They could even be moving by stepping or walking with some similar positions as running, again not running.
To summarise:- to be running you need ALL the processes of running to be together in the same duration to actually qualify as running (the same for beathing).
Back to consciousness, using the above logic, consciousness can not be subdivided otherwise it losses its meaning. Taking this on board you need to break the problem into smaller modules, where each module is not conscious but it is required for consciousness.
Similar to say a chef 'cooking a meal'. Toasting bread is not cooking, putting butter on the bread, making bread etc. are not being a chef. You need to break some eggs, boil eggs, fry eggs, mix them with dough to bake cakes, roast, prepare and boil vegetables etc. When you do all these processes in the right order, then you can say you are a chef cooking or preparing a meal.
Like being a chef, all these processes are necessary, they are not necessarily serial dependant (like toast bread first then butter then jam), or (crack egg first, beat egg etc make omelette). They are more mixed parallel processes, some independent (while boiling vegetables, fry steak, making sauce at the same time and baking Yorkshire pudding in oven). Although each maybe dependent or independent of each other, they ultimately must be put together in a timely manner that they complete at the same final moment to make a successful meal.
Consciousness is no different in conceptual terms. So you need all the modules to create consciousness. Once you create artificial consciousness you need to decide what will have consciousness and to what extent. Eg. You can have consciousness of sight, or hearing or touch etc. Or any combination you like.
What I do not want is to give consciousness to just any machine, especially to the big AI machines as this is very dangerous for the following reasons. All intelligence makes mistakes, it is a requirement of intelligence to look at all options and picking the most appropriate option dependent on the logic being used. For this reason alone you can not give AI consciousness unless you hard wire as well as software human empathy. (Also adding some moralilty). This means that you have to add certain emotions to our artificial consciousness, (I believe a requirement for an autonomous General Artificial Intelligence). See my Tea Break Book 'The logic of emotions', otherwise we could end up with psychopathic machines. Also Tea Break Book "Is your Brain a computer?".
Imagine an un-empathic machine deciding that because of limited resources it makes sense that you can have a healthier human population if it is controlled (logical), which means keeping the population in control (logical), then why wait and keep the current suffering, quick fix, eliminate some of the population now. It is the best long term good for the population.... It will achieve the goal quickly and efficiently, very intelligent. If it was empathic and had certain morality it would know that the only real option is a long term one (making it as short as possible without instant elimination of some of the population).
It will also be pointless giving consciousness to low level AI, washing machines or construction robots. Why make them suffer especially if you add any emotions and you get the balance wrong, unnecessary.
An intelligence comparable or slightly better than ours is ok, because they will be able to understand and feel, and be able to explain things to us so we can understand.
4th January 2020
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Being artificial means we can add more consciousness and intelligence in stages, so they can be more intelligent and have super consciousness (the ability to keep a lot of information in consciousness so that they will be able to see connections easily). We on the other hand have limited consciousness and have to flit from one thing to another, IE. we are more serial than parallel thinkers, (although I believe women to be better than men in parallel thinking).
Imagine trying to do a complex mathematical problem in your head, and at the same time trying to cook a meal, and thinking about solving an electrical problem that you have with an intermittent supply, what is the difference between the fibula and the fabella? What connects all these things?
Now if you hesitated in answering, it means your conscious moved from one problem to another.
If you have super consciousness you see all at the same time and just know the answer, you don't have to recall different information.
In computer terms it is like having all the data in memory and not on disc or USB, and at the same time being able to manipulate different parts of the data at the same time. No read and write to disc or USB, no read and write to memory in serial form, it can be done in series, but it is mainly done in parallel.
The questions you must now ask is what are the modules required for consciousness?
And how are these modules linked?
What other processes are required to link them?
9th June 2020
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Just read more stuff on consciousness. And yet again they mention panconsciousness. Let me be clear, logically panconsciousness can't be true for various reasons. Firstly if stones etc. had consciousness and it was accumulated as things got larger or more complex, then mountains would be conscious or planets or stars, so size is irrelevant as a mouse is more conscious than those other larger objects. If it is just complexity that counts then complex machines would be conscious at some level, which I don't believe is the case, but even if this was the case, consciousness would be continuous, it would not turn on and off. If it can be turned on and off, then where does it go when turned off? It leaves the complex machine or pile of complex stones, if so then it was not part of the stones or machine in the first place!
Consciousness is turned on and off and varies during the day or your activity, so it is not just an accumulation of complexity, it is a complex process that can be modulated. Remove your arms and legs, even temporarily remove your liver and kidneys etc will make you extremely less complex, but you will still be conscious for a brief period of time!
It is not just complexity, because more complexity on its own is not conscious. Less complex can be conscious. It is a complex of processes over a duration of time, that can be modified by other processes.
This is similar to my definition of Existance (with an 'a') which is a dimension of Primary time (¹Time).
Never changing and eternal. Existence is a dimension of Secondary and Tertiary time (²Time, ³Time). Changing Existance in time, and temporary.
What does this have to do with consciousness?
Existance is like panconsciousness it is the essence of everything, it exists in everything so the more you have the more existence there is of anything. Existence on the other hand is the same amount of Existance that just changes its conformation.
The example I have used before was the elephant, where I said that the essence of the elephant existed before the elephant, during the life of the elephant and existed after the elephant, when it decomposed.
I said think about the atoms before during and after the elephant. None were created nor destroyed.
I said the same applies to atoms.
Unfortunately this can be misunderstood, let me use the example of the muon particle that I heard about recently. The muon particle decays into an electron and two different neutrinos. Although this example is only half the elephant example decaying, I should say that the essence of a muon was there before the muon was created. Unlike the elephant example the atoms were inside the elephant and just decayed apart. In the muon example the electron and the neutrinos were not inside the muon, but their essence was.
The analogy here is imagine you have a jumper (or pullover) made of wool (the muon).
You then disassemble (decay) the jumper and re-knit a scarf (electron) and a pair of gloves (neutrinos).
Were the scarf and gloves inside the jumper?
The answer is no, but the essence of the scarf and gloves was inside the jumper.
Imagine you had a bunch of wool balls or spools and you knitted the jumper in the first place, this same wool was in the jumper and also in the scarf and gloves, so the essence of the jumper existed before during and after the jumper, and was the same wool in the scarf and gloves.
Consciousness is not like this essence that exists in everything, it is the equivalent of the scarf and gloves that don't exist until they are knitted into these patterns, and can be unknitted when required.
10th December 2020
Private & Confidential Copyright © Mr A Pépés
Consciousness exists in temporal time, to be conscious means to hold in continuous recurring loops of time (duration) the information you are aware of (being fed to your conscious and held there continuously).
It is not just knowledge of the facts that are recalled like intelligence (instances) or memory, which are then manipulated, essentially serially then spat out.
It is knowing the facts as persistence (duration), many facts simultaneously (in working memory), which your conscious can manipulate with or without intelligence.
I.e. It knows what it knows (is aware), but it also knows what it doesn't know by default (IE. Missing information).
If it is also intelligent it can formulate what questions to ask itself (based on the information it has), and then recall or find information to answer those questions. Being conscious it will know if it answers the questions or not, where an artificial intelligent machine will just give you an answer and not know it has done so.
Morph your mind with Morphological at